P90X or ChaLEAN Extreme???

redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am just finishing up with Insanity in about 2 weeks and I was wondering what should come next....originally I thought I might jump back into another round of insanity...but lately my knees are starting to ache....I have never had a problem with them, but I am thinking they really need the rest. So I was wondering what everyone suggests doing next. I was thinking either p90x or chalean extreme.

I have heard a lot of good things about p90x, so I'm wondering how chalean extreme stacks up to it....


  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    I'm not sure about the Chalean extreme, but I use the P90x and I love it! I am not a cordinated individual and it doesn't have tricky "dance" moves. But to warn you it is hard and takes about an hour a day.
  • Miraggie
    Miraggie Posts: 6 Member
    I am not a huge fan of p90x. I did the whole thing but I hated all the equipment you had to have for it. I also thought that the weight days were slow moving. I prefer more cardio. And Tony Horton drove me INSANE. Halfway through the 90 days I had to mute him. Never done ChaLEAN extreme but I really like her. I have all the turbo jam videos and they are an awesome workout. I finish insanity in 3 weeks and I think I am going to take a few weeks off and then start TurboFIRE. I have heard that is pretty intense. It's Chalene as well.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have done both; 3 rounds of P90X and 2 rounds of Chalean Extreme. I've also done a round of Insanity and I know what you mean about your knees being sore. I personally think that doing multiple rounds of Insanity one right after another isn't good.

    The biggest difference I think between P90X and Chalean Extreme is the length of the workouts. They both have the same outlined concept, 3 days of resistence and 3 days of cardio. However, what I like about CE is that her resistence days concentrate on your whole body not just "Chest & Back" for example, like in P90X. Also, like I mentioned earlier, the workouts are shorter, about 35-40 min versus P90X's hour long workouts and the yoga is 1 1/2 hours!

    I got great results with both but I love love love CE!!!! It leaned me out like crazy!

    Currently, I'm doing the hybrid of CE and Turbo Fire and love it! I plan to do just a round of Turbo Fire by itself because I've gotten such great results from it!

    I hope that info helps in your decision!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I've done 3 rounds of P90X and 2 rounds of ChaLean Extreme. I think they're both sound programs that will get great results.

    I started with P90X (did my 3 rounds), then did Insanity (got hurt on day 60), had to rest for 8 weeks, then did CLX. Personally, I prefer ChaLean Extreme mainly because I think the program has women's problem areas more in mind when it was designed and because it doesn't require 70-90 minutes of my day. While it's only a 5 day/week program, I also added an extra day of cardio to make it a 6 day workout week.

    That said, to really get the results you need with CLX, you MUST lift as heavy as possible within the given reps each month. It's key...thus, that means you're going to need a variety of weights and you need to push yourself to get those results. I have up to 40 pound dumbbells, and I could use 45 or 50s on lower body stuff. Don't be afraid to lift heavy if you're capable. You won't get results with 5 or 8 pounders. I love Chalene Johnson's enthusiasm, tip of the day, and her ability to get you to push yourself harder.

    I loved P90X, I enjoyed Tony's weird comments and witticisms, but after 9 months, it does get old. I find P90X to be a bit 'light' in the cardio area, but I could also say the same about CLX. However, I was able to remedy that by adding the 6th workout day. Most people who do P90X HATE yogaX. However, it's probably the most important aspect of the program, particularly if you don't want to get hurt.

    From a 'toughness' standpoint, I think P90X is a harder program, but that doesn't mean it'll get you better results. I don't know if you've seen any of the preview videos for both, but if you haven't let me know in a message and I'll send them to you.
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