If everyday were like today you'd weigh...

So they've changed this section, have they? I do see why they would considering that if you ate under your calorie goal you'd see a most desirable weight, however it's definitely not healthy. I have to admit, I'm guilty of pressing that button before my day was over just to 'see' what I would weigh if I went under (which is how I found out they changed it.) I'm thinking that someone must have taken that literally and got very sick.

It's a love hate thing because I liked looking at that number, but it's not reasonable nor healthy.

I haven't completed my day today, does anyone know if they took that section away completely? If you do eat to your goal, do they still show you what you will weigh? because that's a HUGE motivator for me.



  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    When i closed my diary yesterday it was still saying it. I was over goal yesterday but even when ive been under goal its said it. Maybe it doesnt if your under 1200 a day? X
  • cshulga
    cshulga Posts: 17
    Yeah that must be the case...
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I haven't noticed a change. Regardless of whether my calories are under or over I get a message stating "If every day were like today you'd weigh xxx in 5 weeks."

    I find the message annoying because no two days are exactly alike. There are many variables that matter when it comes to weight loss.
  • When i closed my diary yesterday it was still saying it. I was over goal yesterday but even when ive been under goal its said it. Maybe it doesnt if your under 1200 a day? X

    I bet that's it. I love that feature though. I don't even care if it's "spot on" or not. It helps motivate me. It's really nice when I'm right at my target or a smidge under. It's also a help that even on days where I've gone a bit over and started to feel a bit down - I see that even if every day was like this it wouldn't be the end of the world weight loss wise and gets me right back into a good frame of mind vs a throw in the towel "I've ruined everything so why bother" mode.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    It's still there. I just tried it and I'm under 1200 right now because I am not done logging. I am sure that in 7 months of doing this, it has never been accurate even though the first 4 months my calories and deficits were VERY close.