Just switched from iPad to galaxy tablet and MFP is wonky

Just switched from ipad, where the MFP version was 5.5 to a galaxy pro, where MFP version is 3.5. Lots of things are different, and worse. For instance, on the home page on iPad the nutrition graph was part of the title bar, on the galaxy it is on a separate tab. On iPad the left side of the screen was the menu, on galaxy it's a separate pop up! How do I get the latest version on the new device? I have searched the playstore, and they only have one download. Or does MFP not like tablets?


  • Itisibigj39
    Itisibigj39 Posts: 200 Member
    Chances are that is the latest version, I don't have an android tablet to check but that's one of the joys of moving from one platform to another
  • mommyofjan
    mommyofjan Posts: 65 Member
    My tablet and smart phone (android both) look the same but the computer is different. If you go to the app itself it may need to be updated. My tablet shows the menu on the left hand side and you have to slide the screen over to see it.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    3.3.5 seems to be current version
