Fitness with torn ACL

I suffered a torn ACL about a month ago and in that time frame my weight has noticeably been increasing. I am becoming very disheartened about it, but I don't know what to do. My easy fix for weight gain was eating right and running. I cannot run, and I am beginning to panic. I can walk on it just fine, but running, although I havent tried, im sure will only make things worse. Does anyone have any tips or advice on what I should do here.

I should also note that I cannot get the surgery to fix the ACL at the moment. I had just started a new job and dont have the insurance yet. Eating right is no issue for me, but my body needs more than that. Thanks in advance for those who reply.


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    In your shoes, I'd personally would talk to a physical therapist and look into exercises that strengthen the leg area like a variety of yoga moves. Talk to a PT/doctor. Google acl support exercise. Swim and walk (and a lot of acl tears may self resolve if not total...)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you keep saying that you're eating right. well, since you have such control over your eating, you could just....i less? maybe until you get your knee sorted? and maybe talk your previous exercise time to the gym and do some upper body focused lifting? am i talking crazy here?
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wrap the knee and use a recumbent bike.
  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    I completely tore my ACL and had surgery almost two years and running still hurts occasionally. Swimming is great, walking, anything that is low impact.