Jillian Michaels 30day shred advice

Recently I've been hearing all these amazing reviews on Jillian Michaels 30day shred. I decided to give it a try so i searched it up on youtube and did level 1....but this is where my problem comes in. After the workout i honestly didn't feel that 'worked' like everyone said you'd be, i even had weights AND did the advanced version. Idk why this is...maybe because im young? or i dance a lot? idk but i have a good 30-40lbs to lose.

I'm thinking i should dance for about 60mins and then do the 30day shred for 6 days a week. I'm new to working out so any advice would be helpful. i just really want to lose at least 30lbs, but it seems so hard.


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's a beginner program and it was TOUGH (couldn't even finish the first day) when I first started exercising about 3 years ago. For someone coming from "dancing a lot" it may not be challenging enough.

    If it isn't for you try lvl. 2-3. If it still isn't challenging then change programs entirely-don't force yourself to do the 30DS if it isn't challenging. Losing the weight will be up to your calorie deficit (through diet) first.
  • kleigh9
    kleigh9 Posts: 9
    If you really breezed through level one, move on up to level 2. There is quite a reasonable jump in intensity from level 1 to 2, so you should notice a difference.
  • Marshachia
    Marshachia Posts: 16 Member
    Why don't you try JM's Banish fat boost metabolism and No More Trouble Zone? I also like her 30 day slimming program which is consisted of 30 day shred, BFBM and NMTZ. I am currently in week 8 of Insanity, it is really insane and kicking my butt so hard!