
This is my first actual post on MFP! Until now I've only done some bumping and commenting here and there :)

I'm needing some motivation/advice/tips/anything you've got! In the past approximately 2 years, I've lost right around 100 lbs. Here are some before and after pics! :

Before :sick: :

After :bigsmile: :
(side note: apparently I don't have a lot of full-length pictures, so yes please enjoy the giant macaroni and all its hilarity)

SO anyway... I've done pretty well, no? I'm all for patting myself on the back. However, I'm not quite where I want to be. I'm 176, and I want to be around 165ish (I'm 5'10"). I've been participating in a "Challenge" at a local Zumba center. It started at the beginning of November and ends at the end of this month, so 2 months basically. First month, I lost 4 lbs, and also lost an inch off my waist, hips, and chest respectively, plus around a half inch off of each leg and each arm. Yay!!

NOW though... the holidays are starting to kick in and wreak havoc on my will-power and motivation. I haven't gained any. In fact, I might have lost another pound or so since the last weigh in (first of the month, around 2 weeks ago). THIS IS NOT ENOUGH! I know any weight loss is good weight loss, but my competitive instincts are kicking in. Plus, I just want to be FINISHED. I'm so close to my goal, and it seems like the final haul is creeping along.

Anyone have any tips, pointers, etc? My diet is pretty spot on, and I do Zumba 2-3 days a week for an hour, which burns around 600 calories. I just can't seem to bust out of this 10 - 15 lb rut I've been stuck in for months. The challenge is helping, definitely, but its not doing as much as I hoped. Which is likely because I have so little left to lose, and on my Zumba days I just can't make myself eat the extra calories. Some extra yes, but I'm definitely not hitting the suggested 1800.

This is the part where all you awesome, fantastic, wonderful people start telling your amazing plateau-busting stories. Right? Let the inspiration commence!

Also, nice to meet everyone :) Cheers!


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    First - congrats. You have gone from adorable to gorgeous.

    Huge burn at Zumba. Are you wearing an HRM. I ask because I burn just under 400 in one hour class and we are within 10 lbs in weight. I give it my all too! If not, I recommend getting one so you know what you are really burning. If you are reaching those big numbers with an HRM - I want to know YOUR secret! I also do not eat all my exercise calories - just a few on an as needed basis.

    Are you just doing Zumba? Have you thought to change up your exercise? I do many different things but have yet to join a gym. Wii Fit Pls, EA Sports Active, Jiliam Michaels, water aerobics, bike riding AND Zumba. I have to keep it interesting but, as I understand it, it is a good thing to change it up.

    Sometimes I have a zig zag week and seem to lose more on those weeks. You know 1100, 1400, 1200, etc. There are many posts on zig zagging that will help you.

    Other than that - I know the last is the slowest to go. I have friends here stuck in a plateau - thankful you are still losing some!

    Good luck!