Very Disappointed ! :(



  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    The most important thing to remember is that if it takes *picks a number out of the air* 2000 calories a day to maintain your weight, and you eat 1500 (notice I'm leaving exercise out of the equation), you will lose weight. Your body can't make up the calories out of thin air.

    Your body HATES change, so it will try to maintain the weight in whatever way it can, namely by holding onto every water molecule within reach, but this is only temporary. Also, give your body ANY excuse to retain water and it will, notably exercise because you're stressing out your muscles if you're truly working at it.

    Plateaux suck and they're temporary. You'll get through it if you keep to the program.

    Also, if you try to keep exactly to the fat and carb levels that the MFP program sets for you, this works better than being ultra-low fat, for example. I did that inadvertently but it had the effect of me retaining water. I'm now playing with proportion to see what makes a difference and what doesn't. I'm pretty sure higher protein is no biggie but somehow the carb/fat ratio is important.
  • simply_healthy
    simply_healthy Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for all your suggestions.. You ppl are awesome !!!

    Hmmmmm.. I guess I need to go for "shock" therapy... Change my calorie intake.... food items... workout routines.... As said, Change is the only spice of life ..... :)

    I am going to change my routine.. Needless to say, will surely keep you posted. Thanks again.... Hugsssssssssssssss....

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    If you freak out this much over just a 10 day period, I would say stop weighing daily. Maybe you should change to once a week or maybe once a month. You know you are doing everything right. Keep it up and you will see results, it just might take longer than you'd hoped. DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! You are on the right road of getting healthier!
  • carolsphere
    carolsphere Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat but we can get through it, everyone on here is pulling for us and plateaus happen, we just have to keep pushing through. You've gotten so far, :happy:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm not sure 10 days constitutes as a "plateau"
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    I went a little crazy over Thanksgiving weekend. Not SUPER crazy, but ate whatever for Thursday & Friday, and didn't do that well on Saturday & Sunday either. I was terrified to weigh in a week later, but when I finally did, I had actually lost! I think that because from October 27th til Thanksgiving I had been eating so healthily, the shock was actually good for me. Kept my body guessing! And all those days that I was a little (or a lot) under my calorie goals were made up for. Don't know how, but it helped me. Maybe take a day to eat some of whatever you want, not going super crazy, but enough to really give your body a shock. See what happens! :) Good luck!