I can't run.

That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I exercise 30-45 minutes 3x week. I can do the elliptical or arc trainer at a medium-high intensity for this amount of time no problem, and often will follow up with a short walk (10-15 mins) to loosen up after.

But as soon as I try to run, even jog, I just. Can't. Do it. I will get this terrible pain (usually on my right side) within 1-2 minutes of jogging, even when I stretch beforehand. I don't know why this is so hard, when the other machines are so easy. Even when I "train" to try and build up my endurance, I can do 20 mins switching between walking and jogging, but instead of feeling good and refreshed after, my body really hurts, I have trouble walking, and it doesn't feel like I got a "good" workout.

I want to take up running. It's easy; you can do it anywhere. I'm very frustrated that the one type of exercise I really WANT to do is so hard for me.



  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    Go to a running store and make sure your shoes are best suited to your foot and walk/run style. Sometimes going to a stability shoe will make a huge difference.
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Have you tried the Couch to 5K? That starts you off very slowly and builds it up to 3.1 miles by the end of it.
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    How is your core strength? I had problems when I first started running and did core strengthening (pilates is great). That helped with the pains in my side. Good luck!
  • sunnyskies1780
    sunnyskies1780 Posts: 24 Member
    Running is hard, and takes a totally different kind of effort than anything else. Choose an 8 week program that incorporates walking and running and slowly make your way through.

    Some tips though:

    Get fitted for shoes.
    Start running, then run slower, still slower. Even if you can walk faster run as slowly as possible to train your body and your lungs, if you can't hold a conversation you are going to fast. Focus on time, not distance. The distance will come.
    Keep going with a program, repeat weeks if needed and at some point along the way you will start to enjoy it, breathing will be easier and it will feel good (sometimes) :-)

    Running is great, there is always a challenge but you can't just jump in.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If you want to start running, check out the c25k program (Couch to 5k) - you can find it online, and there are lots of free apps you can put on your phone or iPod (I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs). It's an 8-9 week program that takes you through intervals of walking and running three days a week, slowly building you up to being able to run for 30 minutes without stopping.

    I started it at the age of 43 after avoiding running m whole life, and it worked like a charm. Over two years later, I'm still running and enjoying it - if I can do it, anyone can! :drinker:

    The key is to go slow and build up slowly. Running is different than any other activity - I was a walker, still am, and could brisk walk all day long, but running was completely different. Make sure you get good shoes, getting fitted at a good running store if possible, but at least a newer pair that's in good shape to start with, download the app, and get started. Just stick to the program - if it seems easy at first, stay with it - three days a week, and stay with the allotted time. Going slow helps avoid injuries and helps assure that you'll stick with it.

    And once you get started, look for a fun 5k race in your area that is happening after you'll be done with the program, and register for it! Nothing motivates you to stick with it like a race on the horizon. And a 5k is a fun way to celebrate what you've accomplished.

    Good luck!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Good shoes and a good, slow buildup program are vital to getting into running pain-free and without injury.

    if the good shoes don't work and you still have pain, consider seeing a pedorthist.

    One big reason why you might be having problems running is because the arc trainer and elliptical are very good at developing your cardiovascular system. That's why walking isn't enough of a workout for you - your cardiovascular system is too good for it. However, they don't do anything for your musculo-skeletal system which is vital for running and is very, very solw to develop.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Yes you can.

    Make sure you have the right shoes. Start slow and build up your endurance. Those who fail usually go balls to the wall and end up injured, burnt out, and quit.
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    Are you eating before you work out? If so, that could cause the pain in your side. Are you properly hydrated? If not, that too could be the cause.

    Otherwise, I'd suggest what other posters are saying, get good running shoes as well as the Couch to 5K may be a good place to start to build up the endurance.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    try warming up, not stretching... http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/01/09/warm-up/
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I used to think this too. Luckily, I found out it wasn't true at all... and I'm willing to bet it's the same for you.

    One thing I will say- it's much easier to start running outside than on a treadmill. Actually, I'll say a few: Don't worry at all about speed. It's ok if you walk faster than you jog when you're first starting- it's all about getting the motion down... and trust me, even at a slow pace you will still feel the burn much more than when you walk. Start small and work your way up... walk for a bit then run for what you can, rinse and repeat. C25K (Couch to 5k) is a great tool - didn't do it myself but afterwards I wished I had.

    Going to a running store or looking up info online for proper running form is very helpful as well... that may help with the side stitches. Cross training (doing body weight or free weights) are great for helping you get better at running as well.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Go to a running store and make sure your shoes are best suited to your foot and walk/run style. Sometimes going to a stability shoe will make a huge difference.

    This! I didn't get fit per se but knew that Asics are a good shoe for me so splurged on a higher end pair and it made a world of difference. That and running at a slower speed, I used to think on the treadmill I should run at 5 or above and just couldn't but when I dropped down to 4.5 and a jog it worked wonders. As I improved I could up my speed. Now I can run straight for 20min+ and I don't hurt anymore! FWIW sometimes about 5-10min into my jog my body still rebels and doesn't want to run but if I push through that for a few minutes I generally feel fine as my body adjusts.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Google 'running form'. It's possible that your side stitches are caused because you're running sort of 'hunched over' and tensed up. I did this at first, and when I figured out my posture was causing me issues, it was like a light went off, and running came much easier. Try running with your shoulders relaxed. Lots of people tense up when they run. Don't do that, it'll cause stitches. :) Also, run SLOW at first. Try running at the same speed as (or just a little faster than) a walk. When you first start running, the slower the better. As you begin to run further, you will naturally speed up without any effort.

    Couch to 5K is a FANTASTIC program. Just remember, run SLOW. Think you're running slow enough? Slow down some more. :) You should be able to hold a conversation while you run. When I'm on a slow run, I'll actually sing along with the music (Ok, so more of a 'huff/puff' along, but you get the point). Download the C25K program, and follow along. Repeat sessions as necessary.

    ANYONE can be a runner if they want it and enjoy it. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    If you can't run, then don't. Wait until your body is at a weight where you might want to try it and if you still cannot, don't worry. Just walk.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I can do 20 mins switching between walking and jogging, but instead of feeling good and refreshed after, my body really hurts, I have trouble walking, and it doesn't feel like I got a "good" workout.
    When you start running it does hurt and no you wont feel refreshed. It took months before I would feel refreshed as you put iy. Your body will take a while to adjust to the strains of running so you will ache for a while while the ligaments and tendons get used to it. It sounds to me like your trying to run too fast. You should be able to hold a conversation. Do not worry if your running pace is slower than your fast walk speed will come in time run slow. Also check that you have appropriate shoes. i would recommend any running shoes you get you only use them for that. Good luck
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I exercise 30-45 minutes 3x week. I can do the elliptical or arc trainer at a medium-high intensity for this amount of time no problem, and often will follow up with a short walk (10-15 mins) to loosen up after.

    But as soon as I try to run, even jog, I just. Can't. Do it. I will get this terrible pain (usually on my right side) within 1-2 minutes of jogging, even when I stretch beforehand. I don't know why this is so hard, when the other machines are so easy. Even when I "train" to try and build up my endurance, I can do 20 mins switching between walking and jogging, but instead of feeling good and refreshed after, my body really hurts, I have trouble walking, and it doesn't feel like I got a "good" workout.

    I want to take up running. It's easy; you can do it anywhere. I'm very frustrated that the one type of exercise I really WANT to do is so hard for me.


    Are you talking about stitches? Like pain in your sides/through your diaphragm that makes it hard to breath?

    I've been running for a little over a month now, and I've gone from being able to jog for approximately 30 seconds before feeling like death was imminent and being all huffy and out of breath to being able to jog a full mile in 10-12 minutes depending on the day.

    I used to get the pain in my side and tried doing some dynamic stretching or even a different workout before heading out and discovered for me that it's all in my breathing. If I run without music and focus on inhaling for about 3-4 strides and exhaling for about the same instead of gulping for air every step that it made a huge difference to that pain. I still get it on occasion when I push myself and run a new longer distance and lose that breathing regularity, but now it doesn't seem to set in until I've run/walked the second mile.

    Running/jogging is definitely worth getting into because like you said, it can be done anywhere and with very little equipment (just a good pair of runners) but it does take a while to build into and while I really hated c25k and couldn't stick with the program, a ton of people I know have found success with it. I'm a competitive person, so for me it was heading out each day and trying to make it a little bit further before I had to walk, trying to walk a little less between burst of jogging, trying to finish in less time than the previous run etc. You've just got to find what works for you.

    And remember, take it easy and do what you can! You don't want to injure yourself by doing too much before your body is ready.
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the tips everyone.

    I think I should get fitted for a pair of proper running shoes. My current sneakers are less than a year old, and were about $100, but I've had several injuries to my right ankle as well, so maybe there is something wrong with my gait as well.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I exercise 30-45 minutes 3x week. I can do the elliptical or arc trainer at a medium-high intensity for this amount of time no problem, and often will follow up with a short walk (10-15 mins) to loosen up after.

    But as soon as I try to run, even jog, I just. Can't. Do it. I will get this terrible pain (usually on my right side) within 1-2 minutes of jogging, even when I stretch beforehand. I don't know why this is so hard, when the other machines are so easy. Even when I "train" to try and build up my endurance, I can do 20 mins switching between walking and jogging, but instead of feeling good and refreshed after, my body really hurts, I have trouble walking, and it doesn't feel like I got a "good" workout.

    I want to take up running. It's easy; you can do it anywhere. I'm very frustrated that the one type of exercise I really WANT to do is so hard for me.


    You're wrong. You CAN run, you can only do it for a few minutes at a time. As you lose more weight and start ramping up the elliptical intensity because it's getting too easy, I bet you'll be able to run for a few more minutes, then a few more.

    Just be patient and keep increasing the intensity as things get easier and it will come. It's going to take time, but you'll get there.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I exercise 30-45 minutes 3x week. I can do the elliptical or arc trainer at a medium-high intensity for this amount of time no problem, and often will follow up with a short walk (10-15 mins) to loosen up after.

    But as soon as I try to run, even jog, I just. Can't. Do it. I will get this terrible pain (usually on my right side) within 1-2 minutes of jogging, even when I stretch beforehand. I don't know why this is so hard, when the other machines are so easy. Even when I "train" to try and build up my endurance, I can do 20 mins switching between walking and jogging, but instead of feeling good and refreshed after, my body really hurts, I have trouble walking, and it doesn't feel like I got a "good" workout.

    I want to take up running. It's easy; you can do it anywhere. I'm very frustrated that the one type of exercise I really WANT to do is so hard for me.


    Are you talking about stitches? Like pain in your sides/through your diaphragm that makes it hard to breath?

    I've been running for a little over a month now, and I've gone from being able to jog for approximately 30 seconds before feeling like death was imminent and being all huffy and out of breath to being able to jog a full mile in 10-12 minutes depending on the day.

    I used to get the pain in my side and tried doing some dynamic stretching or even a different workout before heading out and discovered for me that it's all in my breathing. If I run without music and focus on inhaling for about 3-4 strides and exhaling for about the same instead of gulping for air every step that it made a huge difference to that pain. I still get it on occasion when I push myself and run a new longer distance and lose that breathing regularity, but now it doesn't seem to set in until I've run/walked the second mile.

    Running/jogging is definitely worth getting into because like you said, it can be done anywhere and with very little equipment (just a good pair of runners) but it does take a while to build into and while I really hated c25k and couldn't stick with the program, a ton of people I know have found success with it. I'm a competitive person, so for me it was heading out each day and trying to make it a little bit further before I had to walk, trying to walk a little less between burst of jogging, trying to finish in less time than the previous run etc. You've just got to find what works for you.

    And remember, take it easy and do what you can! You don't want to injure yourself by doing too much before your body is ready.

    Way back when I ran alot I was taught by a running coach that if you have a stitch to breathe OUT forcefully as the foot on the side of the stitch hits the ground. It does help a little bit.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    I struggle with running too. I could run for maybe a minute until my legs hurt and my lungs feel like they are going to explode. I would love to be able to run long distances.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Are you hydrated enough? Cramps usually are because of a lack of fluids, not a lack of stretching (and you should NEVER do static stretches with "cold" muscles).