New Again

Hi everyone:) I had started MFP then jumped off the wagon so to speak and even deleted my account so I couldn't be reminded of my shame. I'm back and ready to do this and could really use a friend or two. So please add me as a friend and I'll support you too.


  • csverdin
    csverdin Posts: 12 Member
    No shame in jumping off for a while. The important thing is that you're back. Just set reasonable goals and once you reach a goal, re-evaluate where you are and if you want to set a new goal. Remember, you didn't put the weight on in 6 weeks so don't expect to take it off in 6 weeks.
  • zawi123
    zawi123 Posts: 4
    Thanks. I know it is going to be a slow process I just need to stay focused:)
  • I did exactly the same thing today - deleted my account after totally falling off the wagon. Fresh start, and all that. Good luck!
  • wildecat1
    wildecat1 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been inactive on MFP for about a year, I think. I'm starting over again today. Add me if you'd like!
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello; I was on MFP for two years and then stopped for a few months and noticed I gained weight; so I came back on... I am not losing much weight and need support too! I would like to lose 20 - 30 lbs. how about you?
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend!