Stop with the effing cookies!

Arg! I cannot seem to keep my hand out of the holiday cookies everyone keeps leaving in the teachers lounge! What are you doing to avoid the treats that suddenly pop up around the office/workplace this time of year? All I can say is thank god school is out on Thursday? I'm the kind of person who can't have this kind of stuff in my house or I'll eat it, so it doesn't even make it across the threshold. But when it's put out there for the taking and free! It's like I feel like I'm wasting money if I don't take advantage of free food. I guess that comes from being a "starving" college student and then a "starving" actor for so long. But that's just it, I was never starving I just ate what was cheap and free and that's usually never healthy. Anyone else having this problem?


  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    There are currently 3 types of homemade cookies in our teacher's lounge.

    Normally I'd say whatever and have a few, but I'm on a fast until after work, so I don't even get a taste.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Nothing says "Holiday" like a nice veggie tray.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    My office has more baked goods than I've ever seen before in an office. I pre-plan nearly all my food during the week and if I have room for something I want in my calories, I eat it...otherwise I don't. I make sure I really want it though, because otherwise I feel guilty even if I can fit it in. Usually I forgo it, because I have delicious dark chocolate at home as my treat!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    We had an office-wide dessert party last week, then our department's monthly birthday celebration. Then yesterday we had our department's holiday party and I just got an e-mail that there are cookies in one of the conference rooms.

    Sweets are my downfall, too.

    Today, I'll just avoid the conference room, but I did indulge at the parties. Oops.

    Still, I lost 1.5 pounds last week, so I guess I did less damage than I thought.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Option #1 - - Stay out of the teachers lounge!! I simply avoid it at all cost. I have a mom volunteer that runs all my copies for the week on Monday. Sometimes I can go for a whole week without setting foot in there.

    Option #2 - - Talk to yourself the whole time you're in there (or go with a "skinny" friend). You know what those cookies are going to taste like. You've had them before. Save the tasting to new and exciting varieties that you've never had before.

    Option #3 - - Put a fresh piece of gum in your mouth before going in. Or suck on a sucker. Give your mouth something else to do.
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    They're everywhere. Good thing I've got low calorie cookie recipes to keep me satisfied :)
  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    I loved when I taught and at the beginning of the school year in August/September there was lots of healthy snacks - veggies, fruit, etc. Everyone wants to start the year off right. Then right around late Oct/Nov, as soon as it was report card time, the carbs started to come out. Sweet breads, cookies, cupcakes, etc.

    Us teacher, we are definitely suckers for the easy cookie carbs. I recommend keeping a Tupperware container of raw nuts ( almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts) at your desk.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    i"ve never seen any baking at my workplace, thankfully. But i am working on filling 2 orders for people. I am making up to 4 types of cookies today and a batch of fudge is i the fridge cooling. I only need a dozen of each cookie, so there will be lots of leftovers. Next week i will be able to take them to work and treat my co-workers.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    My boss made us these adorable little baskets, filled with tons of baked goodies that she's been pushing us to try because her grandaughters helped her make. Nothing like a little pressure from the boss...
    Fortunately, I'm not a big sweets person and I can just take them home to my son & boyfriend. Unfortunately, the reindeer made out of pretzels and M&M's is calling my name- so he's about to take up residence in the trunk of my car so I don't have to look at him anymore!!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I don't know, man, it's tough!! I work in a school too, and people are always bringing by sweets to dump on unsuspecting staff members. Myself included. I am the same way, if it's in my house I eat it!!

    Somehow I've managed to teach myself the strategy of "JUST DON'T TOUCH IT", and I look, and I crave, and I desire, and then I walk away. Now, this strategy is only successful about 70% of the time, and the times when I do sneak a cookie, I make sure to work it off at the gym or on my WiiFit. Or I eat less for dinner. But yeah, if you can figure out a way to look and walk away, that is what has worked for me. I look at it and think to myself, "Those cookies look delicious, but unfortunately, I can't have that." Like, that I might have a horrible allergic reaction to it or something, that it's just NOT something I can eat. I don't know how to describe it, but it mostly works for me.

    GOOOOOOOOOOOOD luck because I know the temptation, and the temptation is oh-so strong!!! You just have to be stronger!
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I read a tip for dealing with free goodies once that said something along the lines of, "If you want it so much that you'd go out and buy it, then eat it - otherwise don't." Sometimes I think about that when I see a big cake lying around at work and I think, "Well, if that cake wasn't there I'm certainly not craving cake enough to go out and pay for it, so I guess I don't really want it."

    The other thing is to think about your food journal on here and imagine how good you'll feel when you're under for the day. I usually try to plan my meals out in advance so I know how many calories I have to splurge. If I have a few hundred left over, then I can get away with a cookie. Otherwise, if I know it's going to push me over, it makes me think twice.

    Good luck!!!
  • jimmydeanbakker
    If I can fit it into my calories for the day, I'll eat it; otherwise, I'll just leave it sitting in the bowl and not think twice about it. Okay, I'll think twice about it, but I won't touch it. I've found that it's harder for me if I go over my calorie count, and then exercise for some reason. If I exercise first, eating something crappy doesn't bother me as long as it fits into my daily calories.
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    we have already received 3 baskets of sweets at work from vendors. It's hard to stay away. Of course while I was getting my tea this morning someone had to point out the new box of chocolates. I swear they do it to torture me. So far I've been good but I know if I go in the kitchen for lunch I'm in trouble. Think I'll sit at my desk and read posts instead
  • MrBuckeye
    Schools are the worst place to work. We are having back to back Friday feasts. I am having no part of that. My son's birthday cookie cake is another story.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I just think about my diabetic dad (on dialysis) and brother. I'm not going down that road.