? for runners who run 25+ miles a week

What does your running schedule look like, including mileage? I'm just curious how to work up to this. I'm currently at around 17-20 miles. TIA!


  • What's YOUR current schedule like?

    Last week I did-

    REST Monday
    8.15 km on Tuesday (5:43min/km) Easy run
    5km on Wednesday (5:47 min/km) Intervals
    10km on Thursday (5:55 min/km) Easy run
    REST Friday
    6.3km on Saturday (5:47 min/km) Varying intensity... pushing hard on the hills
    14.1km on Sunday (6:17 min/km) Long run

    Paces are averages, so wednesday and saturdays paces look a bit odd... the extra effort on the intervals/hills (usually about 5:00 min/km) has balanced out with the super-easy much slower recovery phases.

    That takes me to 27 miles for the week.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I'm not running long distances at the moment but when I was my schedule would look something like this-

    Tues 4 miles
    Thurs 5 miles
    Fri 3 miles
    Sunday long run 12-14 miles to bring you to 25+ miles. If you are marathon training keep the weekday runs short and gradually increase the long run distance at the weekend. For faster marathon times you could do one of the midweek runs as an interval run or a hilly run. Strength train on the days that you rest from running (and have one complete day off).
    I'm interested to see what others do. I know some of my running pals would run most days but I prefer to take rest days.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    This week it will be:

    Monday - 5 miles
    Tuesday - 10 miles
    Wednesday - 5 miles
    Thursday - cross train
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 20 miles
    Sunday - rest
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I try to do 45-50 miles per week... sometimes I do five or six runs all in the 6 -10 mile range, and then I do weeks where I do a couple of 6-8 mile runs in the week with back to back longer runs on the weekend.... just sorta depends on how I feel and if I'm training for a race or not...
  • Kiki829
    Kiki829 Posts: 60 Member
    RIght now I'm training for a half marathon in Spetember, so this last week was 4.5 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, with a 9.5 mile run on Sunday. I did cross training for 2 days (wednesday and Saturday) and weights one of the days. Once my half is over, I'm thinking about how i want to structure my running schedule to continue losing weight and keeping my cardio endurance up, because I am also going to resume SL 5x5 as well.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I'm 4 weeks away from a half, and 9 away from a full, so this week looks like this:

    Mon: 55 min of Nordic Track skiing (medium heart rate ~142), 45 min of yoga
    Tues: Tempo run on treadmill w/ 5 min warmup, 50 min @ 8:13 pace, 5 min cool down, about 6.7 mile total
    Weds:55 min of Nordic Track skiing (medium heart rate ~142), 45 min of yoga
    Thurs: Progression run w/ 5 min warmup, start at 6.4 mph and bump 0.2 every 5 min until 8.2 mph (50 min), 5 min cooldown, about 6.7 mph total
    Fri: 55 min of Nordic Track skiing (medium heart rate ~142), 45 min of yoga
    Sat: 18 mile long run @ 9:00 pace
    Sun: Rest

    Long runs including this coming Saturday will be 18, 12, 20, half, 20, 12, 22, 14, 7, Full marathon.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4.5 miles with a Nautilus workout in the middle of my run (the gym is on my route)
    Tuesday, Thursday 6.5 miles
    Saturday rest
    Sunday 10 miles

    This was perfect training for my first half marathon (1:54:30)which I ran the day after seeing it in the paper after my Friday run. I gave up the Sunday 10 miler until I need it for another race training routine.
  • RaluKitty
    RaluKitty Posts: 62 Member
    I run at least 6 days a week, and I have a half-marathon race every 3-6 weeks, so I'm practically always in training. This is my usual schedule:

    Mon: 4-5 miles
    Tue: 4-6 miles
    Wed: 5-8.5 miles (this would be my medium long run)
    Thu: 4-5 miles
    Friday: long run day - 10-12 miles
    Sat: 4-5 miles
    Sun: rest or a hike of 4-8 miles

    The truth is I rarely run "only" 4 miles as my shortest run - maybe once a week. My mileage is usually in the upper 30s.

    I do most of my runs just above comfortable level, so I've never injured myself and I don't need more rest days. I've done several running streaks lasting 30-50 days and felt perfect.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    What does your running schedule look like, including mileage? I'm just curious how to work up to this. I'm currently at around 17-20 miles. TIA!

    Sunday - Rest
    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Rest
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - 25 miles

    EDIT: 13,0,6,6,6,6,0
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Usually something like this when not marathon training:

    M - Rest
    T - 6 miles
    W - 10 miles
    H - 6 miles
    F - 8 miles
    S - 10 miles
    S - 12 to 16 miles

    Total: 52 to 56 miles

    Marathon training peak week

    M - 6 miles
    T - 10 miles
    W - 12 miles and 4 miles
    H - 7 miles
    F - 10 miles and 5 miles
    S - 10 miles and 4 miles
    S - 22 miles

    Total: 90 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Sunday 11 miles
    Monday 6 miles
    Tuesday 20 Miles
    Wednesday Rest day
    Thursday 8 miles
    Friday 6 miles
    Saturday 7 miles

    59 miles. That is this weeks schedule. I'll probably throw in one more mile because my OCD won't let me stop at 59, it must be 60! :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Sunday 11 miles
    Monday 6 miles
    Tuesday 20 Miles
    Wednesday Rest day
    Thursday 8 miles
    Friday 6 miles
    Saturday 7 miles

    59 miles. That is this weeks schedule. I'll probably throw in one more mile because my OCD won't let me stop at 59, it must be 60! :)

    Show off! :-)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    M 5-7
    T 5-7
    W 7-10
    T 5-7
    F 5-7
    S 8-12
    S 10-16

    I've been cruising in the high-40s/low-50s for about 2mos now, and work my races into that schedule too. For a goal race, I'll actually taper down and adjust accordingly.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?

    true lol

    It's with my running group and some of the guys push me really hard.

    So I don't know what my true 10K pace is right now. My last 10K I finished close to a 8 min/mi but that was 2 months ago.
    My Tuesday run from this past Tuesday had me at a 8:20 avg pace where first 4 miles were just around 8:00 and last 3 were more like 8:42, 8:44, 8:35.

    Thursday's run from last week, splits were 7:44, 8:04, 7:47, 7:57, 7:41, 8:59, and 8:22. First 5 were following this guy Alex, last 2 were 2 more miles I added on by myself.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?

    Dying laughing here!!!!! :laugh:
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    Last week:

    Sun: recovery 4
    Mon: 8 am/ 4 pm = 12 total, first workout had 3 tempo
    Tues: 9 miles
    Wed: off
    Thurs: 8 miles interval work
    Fri: easy 9
    Sat: long slow 18

    This week:
    Sun: off
    Mon: 11 miles with 5 steady state
    Tues: easy 65 min
    Wed: off
    Thurs: 8 mile tempo
    Fri: easy 7-8
    Sat: 90 min progression

    I've got about 9 weeks until goal marathon :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    How to best ramp up your mileage from 17-20 to 25+ really depends on how many days you are currently running and what your goals are. If your goal is to run a HM or full, I would suggest getting a training plan and following it or finding a local running group to train with. If you are just looking to establish a solid base, then gradually add a mile or 2 to your long runs until you get to a comfortable distance then add to mid week runs or add an additional day if necessary. Before starting my current marathon training plan, I was establishing a 30 mile base for several weeks and a typical week looked something like this:

    M-3 miles easy
    T 4-5 miles (w/ tempo, hills or speed)
    W-6-7 miles easy
    Th- 4-5 miles (tempo, hill, speed intervals)
    F-rest or 3 miles easy
    Sat-10 miles
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?

    true lol

    It's with my running group and some of the guys push me really hard.

    So I don't know what my true 10K pace is right now. My last 10K I finished close to a 8 min/mi but that was 2 months ago.
    My Tuesday run from this past Tuesday had me at a 8:20 avg pace where first 4 miles were just around 8:00 and last 3 were more like 8:42, 8:44, 8:35.

    Thursday's run from last week, splits were 7:44, 8:04, 7:47, 7:57, 7:41, 8:59, and 8:22. First 5 were following this guy Alex, last 2 were 2 more miles I added on by myself.

    I've found that running groups around me are a bunch of folks trying to one up each other on runs, which just aggravates me.