? for runners who run 25+ miles a week



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?

    Dying laughing here!!!!! :laugh:

    Was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Currently in marathon training. Here is what an average week is like lately:

    M 10 miles around MP with some hills
    T 7 miles around 10K pace and just started doing strides at the end
    W 6 miles slow recovery run
    R 7 miles around 10K pace
    F 6 miles slow recovery run
    Sat 15-20 miles long run
    Sun Complete rest day
    ~51-56 miles total

    If you can do 7 miles at 10K pace, then it's not really 10K pace, is it?

    Dying laughing here!!!!! :laugh:

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I've found that running groups around me are a bunch of folks trying to one up each other on runs, which just aggravates me.
    ^^^ I really don't like running with other people. Hence my screen name. It's also part of the reason I run very few races...after weeks of early morning training runs in the dark and the cold, it throws me off to suddenly be running in a crowd....but I have to admit, I really like the ultra trail-running community...
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    When I'm not training for a specific race usually:

    Monday- 4 at lunch/ 4 after work
    Tuesday- 4 at lunch/ 4 after work
    Wednesday- 4 at lunch/ 6 after work
    Thursday- 4 at lunch/ 5 after work
    Friday- 4 at lunch/ 3 after work
    Saturday- 6
    Sunday- 10

    This just works easily in my schedule, in an ideal world it would be more like

    Monday- 9 easy
    Tuesday- 10 with some speed/tempo
    Wednesday- 8 recovery
    Thursday- 10/12 w/ tempo or pickups
    Friday- 4-8 recovery/easy
    Saturday- 15 easy
    Sunday- 3-5 recovery or rest day

  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    How to best ramp up your mileage from 17-20 to 25+ really depends on how many days you are currently running and what your goals are. If your goal is to run a HM or full, I would suggest getting a training plan and following it or finding a local running group to train with. If you are just looking to establish a solid base, then gradually add a mile or 2 to your long runs until you get to a comfortable distance then add to mid week runs or add an additional day if necessary. Before starting my current marathon training plan, I was establishing a 30 mile base for several weeks and a typical week looked something like this:

    M-3 miles easy
    T 4-5 miles (w/ tempo, hills or speed)
    W-6-7 miles easy
    Th- 4-5 miles (tempo, hill, speed intervals)
    F-rest or 3 miles easy
    Sat-10 miles

    +1 for this... Trying to duplicate someone else schedule is a recipe for disaster (AKA injuries).
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    You run what is right for you. I run appx 50 miles a week so what I run would not be appropriate for you. As long as you feel good and are doing the 20 miles a week a few miles a night that is good.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    RIght now I'm training for a half marathon in Spetember, so this last week was 4.5 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, with a 9.5 mile run on Sunday. I did cross training for 2 days (wednesday and Saturday) and weights one of the days. Once my half is over, I'm thinking about how i want to structure my running schedule to continue losing weight and keeping my cardio endurance up , because I am also going to resume SL 5x5 as well.

    OP, I guess you want to know what can be one's schedule in off race season to maintain 25 + mpw.

    All the responses so far you have got are, I'm guessing, when people are at the peak of race season.

    Next time please be careful of what you are asking and include as much information as you can in the initial post. Half knowledge is bad for health (literally in this case).
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    RIght now I'm training for a half marathon in Spetember, so this last week was 4.5 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, with a 9.5 mile run on Sunday. I did cross training for 2 days (wednesday and Saturday) and weights one of the days. Once my half is over, I'm thinking about how i want to structure my running schedule to continue losing weight and keeping my cardio endurance up, because I am also going to resume SL 5x5 as well.

    I did my first half a few weeks ago with pretty average prep from injury. I'm now beginning to run again- i'm faster but have no endurance any more so my mileage is down.

    5 miles X 4/week
    1 HIIT/week
    7-8 miles/week.