10.5 Lbs. lost- Still feel the same

I have lost 10.5 pounds in 25 days days and for the most part I feel the same. I feel best in the morning's before I have eaten, and also my clothes are feeling like they are fitting better. But I do not feel drastically different. Maybe my expectations are high for how I think I should be feeling.

As I get through mid day into the evening I basically feel the same how I did when I was 10.5 pounds heavier.

At how many pounds lost did you start to feel like you were truly losing weight? I have not had any comments on lost weight yet- granted I have a lot to lose. Started out at 293.5 and weighed in 283 last saturday, I am 5'8''.


  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I have quite a bit to lose too and I've lost 11 pounds. I slightly feel the change, but you can't really tell. Nobody else has noticed or commented. I'm sorry to say, but it will take more than 10 pounds for others to notice. It could take a couple more months of loss for others to really start noticing.

    As far as how you feel, I guess I don't understand what you mean by feeling the same as your heavier self? You mean as in energy? Are you working out as well as eating a calorie deficit? Although its not necessary to lose weight, it will help your overall fitness and help shape your end result.
  • Strongandscrappy
    Strongandscrappy Posts: 1,735 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a great accomplishment in a short time. I started with about 50 lbs to lose and I didn't feel much different until about 20 lbs lost. If you are noticing a difference in your clothes that's great but give yourself more time and keep at it! You will feel it soon!
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    @melrc- Ya- I just have high expectations I suppose. I am not feeling unmotivated or anything I am just thinking out loud. As for what I mean about feeling the same as my heavier self- I just mean like I dont feel a drastic change- Like the couch I sit in, I dont feel any lighter in it, or when I get out of bed I dont feel much lighter when I have to do a "push up" to get out of bed. My energy level is up there and I do work out regularly (4-5 days a week cardio and weight lifting)

    @mrscapri- Thank you. From other forums I am hearing 20 lbs is when people start to take notice of your weight loss. Hope I can get to 20 soon :)
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    It wasn't until 20-25lbs till people started to comment, but not very strong comments, just a passing mention. 40-50lbs was more when they really started saying something, and now at 70-75lbs down, people are blown away. I am 5'10 and I carried my weight extremely well, so it took people a long time to really notice.

    What is your ultimate goal though? That is what you should be shooting for. Think of how people will trip out then! So, no matter how you feel, just keep going. :happy:
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I started out around 250lbs about 5 months ago although I have been up around 300 in the distant past.

    People started commenting on my weight loss quite a bit after I had lost about 30lbs AND started wearing slimmer clothing.

    30lbs lost is also about when I started to notice the differences being apparent.

    When you're bigger the weight comes off faster, but your body fat percentage is not dropping fast so it takes longer to notice the loss.

    Keep it up, you can do it. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • kenc1971
    kenc1971 Posts: 107 Member
    I have lost 10.5 pounds in 25 days days and for the most part I feel the same. I feel best in the morning's before I have eaten, and also my clothes are feeling like they are fitting better. But I do not feel drastically different. Maybe my expectations are high for how I think I should be feeling.

    As I get through mid day into the evening I basically feel the same how I did when I was 10.5 pounds heavier.

    At how many pounds lost did you start to feel like you were truly losing weight? I have not had any comments on lost weight yet- granted I have a lot to lose. Started out at 293.5 and weighed in 283 last saturday, I am 5'8''.

    Congrats on the progress so far, that's a really good drop in just under a month.

    I'd say to give it 4 more weeks, and track your exercise like your food, including how you felt while doing it. Record the increases in weights/reps for strength training, and even things like distance on a morning walk, and the time to go that distance. You'll want to look back at it to see how far you've come, and set new goals for yourself every time you work out.

    Best of luck to you, keep pushing forward!

    EDIT: removed where I asked if you worked out, you replied about working out while I was posting.
  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    That's a lot to lose in only 25 days. Congrats!

    I've lost 15 in a little less than 3 months so far and I don't really feel any different yet. My husband has lost about 16 in the same amount of time and he says that he thinks his clothes are starting to fit a bit better but not much difference other than that.

    I've had a couple comments from co-workers but nothing too extreme yet. I guess it just takes time.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    @betterkimmer- Nice time line of weight loss milestones of when compliments came through. I hope to hit each one! I am losing weight for me, but who doesent like compliments??!? I too am told I carry my weight well (i think because i have always worked out??) My diet is what is gonna show the buff guy that is under the fat lol.

    yc4king- Great response! Good to be able to hear from someone who startyed around my size and has had success. I too am looking forward too what is 5 months away. I hope I can make a dent into my weight loss by then.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I think it took me about 45lbs to see a noticeable difference in my body. It really depends how you carry your weight, and how much that weight loss affects your body fat percentage. 10lbs at your size might not be a drastic change, where as if someone who's close to their goal weight (assuming it's a healthy one) loses 10lbs there would be a noticeable difference because of the change in body fat percentage.
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    congrats on your loss so far!!

    your see yourself everyday, so your mind adjusts to the changes.

    if you don't already, i really recommend that you take photos every ten pounds (or whenever often).. you can compare photos and see the progress that your mind won't let you see when you look the mirror everyday! ~*~*~~
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    @rayonrainbows- great idea!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    It may help to think of how the loss makes you feel. To get a sense of this, put two 5-pound bags of flour in a book bag and wear this on your back as you do household chores. How do you knees feel? Does it make it harder to trot up a flight of stairs? Do you notice the extra 10.5 pounds? Most would. If you don't, it may be because you have strength from the lifting.

    I notice but I'm a 60+-year-old-couch-spud.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    haha good experiment Heidi.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Good job on the weight loss so far. It usually is closer to 25-30lbs before others start commenting on your progress. Exercise as well as tracking food helped me get down to my goal weight. Keep up the good work don't lose faith in your efforts.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    I started at 262 and I didn't really take notice until I had lost about 25-30 lbs. When I got below 200, is when I really started to feel good.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    For me, after I dropped 30 lbs I noticed some difference in day-to-day life but the difference really showed playing sports. I just felt so light on my feet and I could run quite a bit faster and change direction much quicker. Went from 250 to 220 at 5'10"
  • Isobelle40
    Yes, you won't really notice too much of a difference in the early stages of a diet - that's normal. What I do when I start a diet is not to even think about how I'm looking/feeling - just plod on with the diet. The good thing is though, all of a sudden you WILL start to notice the weight loss and you'll feel great. But even then, don't dwell on that weight loss - enjoy it and move on again till the next time you notice more weight loss. Finally., try not to keep checking yourself in the mirror as this can ruin your motivation. Even when you do lose weight, if you keep checking yourself you will get used to seeing it and won't appreciate how well you've done. This also applies to weighing yourself, try to limit this to once or twice a month.
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    In addition to the other advice, start tracking measurements right now. Waist, hips, chest, neck, etc.

    You might not actually feel like you are getting smaller, but once a month re-measure everything, some people say every couple weeks but don't do it more often than that. You'll see the measurements start to shrink well before you'll visually be able to tell a difference in the mirror.