Plateau already?

tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
I knew I didn't have much to lose in the grand scheme of things (28lbs) but I really didn't expect to be stuck after only losing 7 lbs....
I have my new EatSmart scale on the way - So I am hoping this will be better by showing me the half and quarter lbs lost etc.. compared to my old school "arrow" scale that I hate - but I really hope something starts to happen again.


  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    No need to worry about day to day and even week to week. You are looking for long term results. Just stay the course and don't let the scale be the boss.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    I also just read another thread that to be a real plateau it has to stay stagnant for at least 6 weeks.. its been 3 almost 4.. so technically I guess it's a stall instead...

    Still sucks though. I try not to let the scale dictate, but It's hard, when I feel like I should be less weight and am not.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    While you're waiting for your new scale, make friends with your measuring tape. :smile: Often the scale will show a stall or even a gain - the tape shows true progress of inches lost, and won't mess with your head the way the scale does.
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    While you're waiting for your new scale, make friends with your measuring tape. :smile: Often the scale will show a stall or even a gain - the tape shows true progress of inches lost, and won't mess with your head the way the scale does.

    Great advice. The pants fit better at the same weight = success.
  • Isobelle40
    I know this might be a little controversial but I don't believe in the weight loss plateau. Any time I have dieted in the past (including my current one), any failure to lose weight can usually be tracked back to not following my diet properly and/or not excercising enough. Also, if you are weighing yourself everyday or every other day, you might find that there are things that can skew the weight results such as water retention and other bodily occurences that make it look like you haven't lost weigh when you actually have. The way I see it is, your body doesn't stop utilizing energy and burning calories, it may slow down a little as we age but not noticeably where weight loss doesn't occur. So I wouldn't concern yourself with what the scales say for now as long as you are following your diet properly. You WILL be losing weight.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    yeah - the past week or so I have taken in more sodium than normal. so I assume some is water retention.
    I DO actually measure myself with a tape measure to see if there are differences there - and I am due to check this again - but I feel that because I am trying to stick to the 30 day shred (for example) and would/should be building up some muscle tone = the measurements may not be lower either...

    I also had to postpone level 3 as I would be missing 3 days of it while camping - so I am putting it off until I get back.
    But I did set my goals etc.. based on NO exercise - I should still be losing something.

    I also blame the floors in my old crappy apartment. They arent level, and depending where I set down my scale, I always have to adjust the arrow to be on 0 - which is partly why I ordered and am waiting on my digital EatSmart scale....

    I don't think I am that far off food wise. I did have some off days (Diary is open to keep me honest) - and I was TOM about a week ago too which never helps... but if TOM affects that much (as I know if can) then really I am only to get a realistic weight once a month? That is really sad and more than a little discouraging. Friends kind of laugh at me for taking this "too seriously" but if I am not getting results it makes me a sad Panda....

    PS: I do actually WEIGH all my solid foods, and liquids (grams and/ounces) - I have been trying to figure out how to get only results WITHOUT the * or GENERIC WITH all the confirmations - but I haven't been able to. I only access this from the PC - so not sure if that is why or not...
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    yeah - the past week or so I have taken in more sodium than normal.

    Stupid sodium. I did that yesterday. Completely ignored the number on the scale today.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member

    Stupid sodium. I did that yesterday. Completely ignored the number on the scale today.

    Problem is that it is now going on 3-4 weeks. I think this morning I even went UP on the scale. I can't take much more of this:sad:
  • Isobelle40
    Seriously, please don't get discouraged, you sound like you are doing so well and know your stuff too when it comes to calorie counting etc. What I've noticed on diets is that yes, often the scale doesn't flippin budge but then all of a sudden you lose more one week that you should have, it's just the way it works out. The body doesn't always play exactly to the rules but providing the diet is followed properly, the outcome will even up in the end - so keep at it. As a fellow 30 day shredder I'd hate to see you feel down about your diet. P.S I haven't gone beyond work out one as I like it so much and it has helped me completely tone up, so you should see great results with the other 2 workouts.

    All the best and stick with it.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    As women, our monthly cycle can easily influence our weight (thru water weight) for 1-2 weeks of the month. Not to mention stress, lack of sleep, change in fitness routines, sodium: all can affect water weight.

    Keep doing what has worked, trust the science, and try to be patient. If you note your weekly (or daily, though not recommended if it might drive you crazy) weighins for 2-3 months you'll find your body probably has a pattern based on your cycle.
  • Arthas2580
    Arthas2580 Posts: 7 Member
    Try changing your diet plan - mix it up - sometimes your body gets used to the new calorie intake and the types of food you eat and adjusts to this new level as your "maintenance intake." Try changing your calorie intake on a 2 weekly basis just so your metabolism can't settle and keep your body guessing.

    Try changing the workouts you are doing as well - if you constantly use the same muscle groups then your body gets more efficent at it and won't burn as many calories in the proccess. For example if you use a stationary bike as your primary workout then switch it to the cross trainer or rowing. This will cause your body to use other muscle groups which maynot be as efficent and thus burn additional calories in the proccess.

    Stick to low sodium levels, low sat fats, high protein, low carbs and little proccessed food. Try and eat clean - nothing from a packet or something you can't see whats gone into it. You can have cheat days as this also keeps your metabolism guessing - 90% "clean food and 10% junk.

    I used to jump on the scales every morning and I could loose and gain pounds within just a few days. Scales are evil......

    Get off the scales - weigh yourself once a week on the same day at the same time and use the tape measure it really does help alot.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Some rather creative ideas have been suggested in this thread and maybe one of those is contributing to your stall, however there is only 1 legitimate reason for the dreaded fat loss plateau. Rather then me preach to you about it I will leave this link and let you decide for yourself. It has been true for me several times now.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Thank you all for the motivating posts.. Camo - I did actually read and re-read that post as well. But I honestly feel this is just a body non-linear thing for now... I did get some ideas on Macros from another knowledgeable user and if I am still not moving anywhere in a couple more weeks, I will try maybe adjusting and following Macros better as right now I worry more about the calories in than I do about everything else...

    thanks all again
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    You've lost about a quarter of your excess weight -- that's where I hit my first plateau. It lasted 9 days. During that 9 days, I focused on hitting my goal -- not undereating and not overeating, but getting right to the goal. One day I went 200 calories over, the next day I went 200 under. My weight started dropping again.

    A note on the new scale -- two cups is a pound. Eight glasses of water is four pounds. You retain water for several healthy reasons. Don't fixate on the scale day to day because there is too much variation in how much water you are retaining. I weigh myself only on Tuesdays and Saturdays now, after the morning bathroom routine but before breakfast. I also do my neck, chest, waist, and hips every two weeks. If I fail to get progress in one area, I look for it in another and usually find it.