Buddy wanted

Hi, I'm taking the challenge of following a low-carb diet, nothing extreme or very rigid such as the Atkins diet. I just want to experiment a bit with my nutrition because I'm concerned about developing diabetes and looking too pudgy.
I would like to find a buddy that can support me and who I can support back in this journey, ideally every day (e.g. through mail or messages) and who can cheer me up, but can also tell me off. I offer the same back.
I've followed all my life some sort of diet with several degrees of success, mostly of them have been low-fat diets and Weight Watchers, and while they helped, I want to try out something different such as low-carb because I admit I eat a lot more carbs than I would like to.
If there's a woman in a similar situation to mine (e.g. that has to shed about the same number of kilograms: 15 (30 lbs.) and who is committed to make this work. xx
