Carbs or Fat for Lifting?



  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks@ Sidesteel and MityMax... that makes a lot of sense. I'll make these adjustments and see how it goes. I probably would be more active and less tired if I bumped up the calories and adjusted my fats/carb intake. I've been going to bed really early (sometimes at like 7) but I just thought it was because of my new workout routine/carb intake. Thanks for pointing this out to me-- I really hadn't even thought about that.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I'd check out the sexypants thread as well (

    ... at your weight, you likely should be eating more than 1500 (dead serious). I'm 150 and have 15 more to lose and I eat ~1600 plus most of my exercise cals. Your carbs seem quite low, although you did mention that it was the leftover. Everyone's macros are different, did you calculate your protein based on LBM?

    I've read the thread, thanks. I use my fitbit to calculate my TDEE-- like I said based on my weight loss every week-- it seems to be accurate. I burn about 2500 calories a day ( I have an office job, and I don't do that much afterwards)... and then subtract 1000 from that to lose 2lbs a week (which the sexypants said was okay with the amount I need to lose)... Anything extra that I burn I just add to my weekend calories because I normally eat a little more on the weekends.

    I calculated my protein based on LBM.

    Calculate your fat based on LBM as well. And if you burn 2500 calories, then you subtract 20%, not 1000 calories. You are currently eating at a 40% deficit from your maintenance needs and this is considered quite dangerous and will likely result in poorer maintenance once you reach goal weight.

    ETA: my maintenance is ~2500-2600 and I eat 2000-2100 for fat loss (much closer to 2100). I would not recommend 1900 simply based on my experience eating below 2000, and 1900 is greater than a 20% deficit. At a minimum, 2000 is a good starting point.