Complete newbie

Hi all,

I am a complete newbie to the site and communities of this kind so hope you'll excuse me if I make any mistakes in the beginning! I am a mum of 4 with 20lb to lose and a huge fitness mountain to climb! I am just counting calories instead of using any gimmicky diet plans, and have been for my second training jog/walk today. Even though it has been less than a week I already feel better for doing something - just hope I can sustain the momentum!
Look forward to getting to know you all.



  • louise41lls
    Hi Sarah. I'm new to this site also. Not entirely sure how to navigate everything. I've been wanting to lose around 15-18 pounds for the past five years now. Hard with kids in school,but now I'm an empty nester. Last week I had to have surgery to rid myself of potential cervical cancer. So there's some motivation. I'm off work for six weeks medical leave. I feel now like there's no time for me to make excuses any more and I really want to feel stronger and look better. This will be a slow start as I'm still pretty sore, but I'm starting. So count me as a friend if you want to.
  • gotonenerveleft
    gotonenerveleft Posts: 40 Member
    I'm Tami. New here too. Have been using the MFP app for about a month. Didn't even realize there was a community. I think this site will be great for me. My first goal is 30 lbs. will probably try to go down another 20 when I reach that. Not sure how to do the friend thing but would love someone to keep accountable with.
  • louise41lls
    Yah. I'm trying to figure out the friend thing too. Then I somehow got off this site and it took me a while to figure out how to get back to it. So Not sure how much help I'll be. I think I have a friend now. It just popped up in my friends link after I clicked "all". I think I accepted her but not sure. Lol. This could take some work. I'm 45. We didn't have computers when I was. Kid. That's my excuse for that one anyway. I'll try and help when I can. Nice to meet u.
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    I have read all your posts and would like to be the first to welcome you. It is not that hard to wok your way round the tools, they are relatively easy to use.

    Yes there is a whole community of people exactly like you guys wanting the same thing...change and some more than others to make it permanent.

    Welcome and wishing you all the best as you get started with your goals, feel free to add me for support.