Before It All Falls Apart...



  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Sounds like you have a few different issues at play here:
    1) Your health and weight loss- changing your mentality is hard but it won't happen overnight. It takes lots of hard work and determination. Come up with a plan and stick to it. Reward yourself along the way. Be patient.

    2) My greater concern is that you feel your marriage is at risk if you don't lose the weight. Why is that? Your husband should love you unconditionally and be supportive of you in this journey. It sounds like from your post (and this is me judging only what you've written) that your primary motivation to lose the weight is to save your marriage, or protect it. If this is the case I think you need to have some serious discussions and thoughts around the state of your marriage and your relationship with your husband.

    I speak from experience when I say it's very very difficult to get healthy and focus on you when you're not in a supportive relationship. My apologies if this is out of line or if I'm WAY off track, again, I am basing this on what little I know- the teeny glimpse you've given us based on your original post. There is a good possibility there is much more at play here than you've shared and I'm just off base.

    Either way, I wish you the best in your journey and make sure you are doing it for yourself. It won't stick if you're doing it for anyone else. You can find lots of support here- good luck!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Sounds like your husband is just concerned about your heatlh, nothing else. I've expressed the same to my husband because I want him to stick around for a long time! But this is something you have to do for yourself. Focus on getting healthy fist, not losing the weight. You'll start shedding pounds just by changing what you do. Now, you will have to concentrate on that later, but for now, just concentrate on things you can do that will make you healthier. Talk to your doctor and see what advice they have for you.

    And hun, you have 3 kids and still finished a degree? You are totally not a failure!!