two months of exercising and...



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    How are you 'measuring' your food?

    Are you using measuring cups?
    Using a food scale?

    TBH, if you're not weighing your food, in grams, then you are not accurately logging, which in turn means you are probably eating more than you think.

    I do use measuring cups.

    I used to track food 6 yearsa go when I tried to lose weight, I measured very accurately and lost consistently. So I have a good eye for portions..

    Something seems to be wrong since i turned 30 and had a baby ;--)

    So here's the thing.

    If you're not losing, you're eating more than you think. How much more? Well, you could eyeball it, or you could use a scale and find out.
    If the number on the scale when you weigh in isn't that big of a deal, then I would keep on eyeballing.

    If you want to see change, find out how much you're eating. You can get relatively close as long as you're putting the effort into weighing and logging.

    Then once you have that figure, eat less.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I have been decent with food. I wouldnt say I have binged all the time.

    what does that mean? you kinda glossed over those not all the time binges :laugh:

    for the record, i dont weih or measure my food either but i just assume that im eating 200-400 calories more than im logging
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    the 80/20 ratio is very important. It is what you eat not the amount of exercise that will help you get to goal. One poster mentioned that upping your protein will help you feel satisfied, I would also add that it also helps build your muscle, muscle is a furnace and will burn calories big time if it is fed properly. Keep doing a variety of exercise, strength training and cardio. Perhaps look at some training sessions so your work outs can be fine tuned to your body needs.
    Most of all, don't consider the past two months a wash out, you are learning about how your body reacts and works. It is not a quick thing to learn.
    And Lifestyle was mentioned, if you want to live your life you need to look at this as your new way of living. It is not a temporary fix, you will have to eat healthy and move for the rest of your life. So you need to find a way that works for you. A reward meal once in awhile, celebrations, holidays they are always going to be a part of that new lifestyle so you need to learn how to live day to day and then the challenges will be easier.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    So you are trying to eat your TDEE? That means you are eating as much as you burning --in other words, calories out=calories in. To lose weight you need calories out >calories in. Maybe you are confused as to what that means? If you are eating your TDEE that would explain why you are not losing weight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1) use a scale for your food or you're probably underestimating what you're actually eating
    2) By going over 'a couple times a week', heck, once a week, I can undo the deficit of that week (I know, I've done it several times).

    Add 1 and 2, and that's why you're not losing weight.