Good, Bad, Ugly Step Trackers...

I am researching a monitor to track steps, (walking/running), stairs, sleep and key is to be able to track steps even while pushing something (I have 3 kids so often pushing a stroller). I have looked into Fit Bit flex, fit bit one, basis carbon steel, nike fuel band, etc...getting VERY overwhelmed and want to get one that is accurate and not going to break the bank. I use map my run to track how many miles i jog/walk a day, but would be nice to continue to track during the day. Any input/advice is welcome- just started back on my weight loss journey after having 3 kids in 5 year :).


  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    One thing, if you are wanting to track while walking with a stroller is not to go with a wristband. I have a wrist tracker, and when I am pushing the shopping cart, with my wrist level, it doesn't track reliably.
  • wlock75
    wlock75 Posts: 8 Member
    I have had a fitbit one for about a week now and I love it. One thing I like about the fitbit app is it has an activity section. you can manually input activities and it will adjust your steps and calories based on the activity. I just checked and it has 2 activities for what you are looking for "Pushing or pulling an stroller with child or walking with...." and Running while pushing a stroller or wheelchair" It even has activities like household chores.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have had a fitbit one for about a week now and I love it. One thing I like about the fitbit app is it has an activity section. you can manually input activities and it will adjust your steps and calories based on the activity. I just checked and it has 2 activities for what you are looking for "Pushing or pulling an stroller with child or walking with...." and Running while pushing a stroller or wheelchair" It even has activities like household chores.

    I have the fitbit One as well, and I love it. I especially like that it isn't visible, and where I attach it, it seems to track pretty much everything.
  • BarryW2020
    BarryW2020 Posts: 3 Member
    I previously used a Fitbit Force (recalled) and I'm now using the Basis Activity tracker. My wife has a Garmin Vivofit. None of the non-GPS trackers that you wear on your wrist will record steps accurately when your arm is not swinging.The Fitbit Flex does not count stairs climbed and will not count steps while pushing a stroller. It also does not have a digital display. The Fitbit One is worn clipped to your clothes and will record steps while pushing a stroller and stair; you have to clip it into a wristband to wear while sleeping. The Fitbit app does allow you to manually add activities or sync with MyFitnessPal activities but you do not earn "steps" for manually added activities. So if you use MapMyRun you could sync with Fitbit and get credit for the activity calories but you will not earn steps on the Fitbit dashboard. The Basis tracker is absolutely the best sleep tracker and also gives excellent data for resting heart rate, body temp, perspiration, and calories burned but it will not track steps pushing a stroller and will not sync with any apps like MyFitness Pal or MapMyRun yet. My wife likes her Vivofit better than the Fitbit Flex because it has a nice digital display showing steps, calories, etc, it syncs with MyFitnessPal, and also works with an optional chest strap heart rate monitor which is really great for monitoring your workouts. It monitors sleep as well as the Fitbit but not as well as the Basis. It does not track stairs climbed. One real nice feature of the Vivofit is you don't have to charge it. It runs on a replaceable watch battery. You should also take a serious look at the Withings Pulse. The Pulse can be worn in wrist strap or clipped to clothes. It does sleep and stairs climbed. It also syncs with MapMyRun and MyFitnessPal. It's ability to be worn on wrist or clipped to clothes might fit all your needs. I have the Withings Body Analyzer scale which is also really nice and syncs with MyFitness pal to track your weight and body fat.