Help! Just had a 576 calorie fajita! What do I change?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Stop using measuring cups/spoons. Use a food scale instead.

    This. For all you know, you had a 700 calories meal anyway.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Why did you add a full cup of rice to your tortilla?? How the heck can you even roll it up? When I make them, I usually put a tablespoon or two of rice in with lots of meat and veggies. I usually pick one or the other for the dairy products (sour cream or cheese), too.


    You already have carbs in the wrap.....use less rice, and more veggies. I like sour cream & cheese way more than I like rice.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Stop using measuring cups/spoons. Use a food scale instead.

    This. For all you know, you had a 700 calories meal anyway.


    if it had rice in its not fajitas....
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Why did you add a full cup of rice to your tortilla?? How the heck can you even roll it up? When I make them, I usually put a tablespoon or two of rice in with lots of meat and veggies. I usually pick one or the other for the dairy products (sour cream or cheese), too.


    You already have carbs in the wrap.....use less rice, and more veggies. I like sour cream & cheese way more than I like rice.

    Yep - agree with this!

    Bulk out your fajita with capsicum/bell peppers. A red, a green and a yellow one will bulk the meal right out and you get way more bang for your buck. Plus SO COLOURFUL and it shakes up the texture too. I want fajitas....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You can cut the sour cream and add plain greek yogurt- it's a fraction of the calories and the taste/texture difference is negligable for most people.

    Plus 500 calories for dinner is easy peasy lemon squeezy- no big thang.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I always check the NI before I buy any kind of bread, wrap, or tortilla. I want to make sure it's going to fit into my goals for the day, especially if I have specific plans for it, or that it's reasonable to plan enough room for it. A 500+ calorie tortilla would be a nope for me, no matter what's in it.
    ETA: I mention this because it sounds like that's where the bulk of your calories are from. The greek yogurt suggestion is a good one, but just be prepared--that stuff has a really strong taste.

    That being said, I like having tacos, fajitas, etc without the tortillas. I crumble blue corn chips in or just eat it as a salad and it's delicious.

    I know there is a brand out there that does tortillas made of different things. I think it might be Ortega or something like that. My favorite of those ones is the black beans and corn, and I think they're reasonable calorie-wise. They are a bit on the small side.
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    Get the low-carb tortilla's. I use them and they taste the same to me, especially when you are putting that yummy goodness inside!
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    I expect my lunch and dinner to be at least 800 calories a piece...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I have yet to find a low cal/low carb tortilla that I really like either due to taste or because they don't stay together when wrapping. So I'd change this meal by just having the chicken and such over the rice and skip the tortilla all together. Also, adding more veggies to bulk never hurts as they're low cal.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I always check the NI before I buy any kind of bread, wrap, or tortilla. I want to make sure it's going to fit into my goals for the day, especially if I have specific plans for it, or that it's reasonable to plan enough room for it. A 500+ calorie tortilla would be a nope for me, no matter what's in it.
    ETA: I mention this because it sounds like that's where the bulk of your calories are from. The greek yogurt suggestion is a good one, but just be prepared--that stuff has a really strong taste.

    That being said, I like having tacos, fajitas, etc without the tortillas. I crumble blue corn chips in or just eat it as a salad and it's delicious.

    I know there is a brand out there that does tortillas made of different things. I think it might be Ortega or something like that. My favorite of those ones is the black beans and corn, and I think they're reasonable calorie-wise. They are a bit on the small side.

    Sunday I found these made by OLE- "extreme wellness" they say in a big slash across the front
    healthy herb and tomato basil I think.... I don't really care what the heck they call them- it's a product that doesn't go bad like lettuce- and is less than 100 calories. call it whatever you want. It's food I can eat more of which is a big fat WIN.

    They are really floppy- not a lot of structure- not my favorite- but at 90 calories per tortilla- I'll take it. So much less than regular ones!!! I can actually EAT them and not pick around the tortillas!!! WOOT WOOT!!

    (have two today actually)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    That's probably not a fajita-sized tortilla. I'd expect there to be about 100-120 calories in a fajita-sized tortilla. And I'd be eating two. And skipping the rice. I think a cup of cooked rice is about two servings of starches anyway. I loves me some starches, so I include them with every meal, but I try to be smart about it.

    If I wanted to be super-careful about it, I would use the 50 calorie Smart & Delicious tortillas (because they're appropriately-sized for fajitas), peppers & onions, lettuce, a salsa that has about 10 calories per 2 T, fat-free shredded cheese, and fat-free Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. And then I'd go ahead and add some guacamole to add back in the healthy fats and get a smidgen more vegetables in.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I would skip the rice and the tortilla as neither of those holds much appeal to me. I would toss LOTS of chicken, onions and peppers on a salad with a little bit of cheese and lots of salsa. Yum!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Nothing? Or yes just skip bits of it - I use a healthy living (lower fat) tortilla, no rice, low fat creme fraiche and just have the one and plan it in. Simples.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Lose the rice completely, use a lower cal tortilla, add more veggies, use reduced fat cheese and sour cream if you can stand them.
    When I have quesadillas or tortillas or fajitas that's all I beans no sides.

    I'd rather have calories for the margarita. :drinker:
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I have small tortillas that are 70 cals/piece. (I hate how many cals are in tortillas!)

    Really though, 576 isn't a big deal. That's my normal size dinner. :)
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    That's really not a bad calorie count for a fajita! My only recommendation would be to add more chicken. It's really a great low calorie protein choice, and it'll keep you full longer than carbs.
    PSMTD Posts: 106 Member
    You can try Boston head lettuce instead of a tortilla. It doesn't alter the taste and it cuts out over 100 cal easily. I also second the greek yogurt over sour cream.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You can try Boston head lettuce instead of a tortilla. It doesn't alter the taste and it cuts out over 100 cal easily. I also second the greek yogurt over sour cream.
    You have never had a good tortilla then, because I would cut a bish.