New Friends/ 1200cal/30+ lbs to lose


I've successfully used MFP in the past to lose close to 40 pounds. I'd like to get back on track and need the support and encouragement of some friends. I work full-time as a teacher and would love information about bringing food to work (especially when those work days are 12+ hours long). I love to cook but I don't love to exercise.

Please feel free to send a friend request or start up a conversation! :)


  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    Welcome back, wishing you success once more for the second round. I have found that in order to change my ways at wok these days I not only pack a meal opposed to sandwiches I used to have but healthy snacks to.

    Eating something every 3-4 hours and plenty of water is helping me.

    Hope this helps.
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Well I dont know your stats but I can tell you from experience here that you need to increase cals or youll most likely hit a plateau. Just add more food its better for your overall energy and health
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi, I'm a teacher too. I'm on maternity leave right now and also in the position of having to lose around 30lbs.

    When I'm at work I tend to take a salad (tuna/chicken/cottage cheese etc) and put it in the fridge. We had a fridge in our little departmental staff room. I also take things like yogurt, and keep Philly light and rice cakes there. I sometimes took soup and microwaved it. I also used to get those Graze snack boxes and so I had a healthy snack at work. Plus there's always fruit too.