Here I am...

Hi Everyone,
While I've been a MyFitnessPal member for about a month it's time I get serious about this weight loss thing! My friend Sam introduced MFP to me and I started strong and was into it however I feel off the band wagon and am in need of a major kick in the azz to get started again.

Currently I weight 163lbs. I'm a size 10/12 jean and a size 8 dress.

Where I'd like to be: Weight 135-140 Size 6/8 Jean size 6 dress.
More important that any size or weight I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and only seeing the flaws.. I see every lump, bump and dimple and I HATE it.. Im an outgoing bubbly kind of girl and the thought of being depressed about my appearance angers me but I can't help it..

Negative thoughts are evil and seem to consume me. I want to break the negativity and just enjoy and LOVE the person I am.

EVERYONE has made a new years resolution to be healtiher in the upcomming year.. Well.. I WON'T make a NEW YEARS resolution. Instead.. I am making a promise to myself starting TODAY that I will be conscious of what I eat. I will not deprive myself of the foods I love however I WILL limit my consumption of those foods. I WILL exercise more than 1x per week. My goal is to exercise 5 or 6 days per week. Even if its just a 30 minute jog on the treadmil.

Most importantly I promise to be more active in 2011. Instead of coming home and just letting Tobe (my boston terrier) out to go potty I WILL take him for a brisk walk. Afterall he deserves to be healthy too..

That is my intorduction. If you have any feedback or support please let me know. I'm always looking for new creations that are HEALTHY and don't cost and arm and a leg to make. Thats been my biggest hurdle in weight loss is affording the fresh prodcue or healhty foods I need.