spinning leg pain

htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So I went to spinning/cycling class last night, and even though I've been attending about twice a week for weeks now, my legs hurt so badly I stopped after 15 minutes. However, I was able to do cardio on the stair climber just fine.

do you think I just put too much on myself without rest? I worked out four days in a row, did spinning Friday, strength leg exercises and boxing on Saturday, kickboxing on Sunday and then cycling/stair climber yesterday.

Today is a rest day for me, I hope it is a fluke!


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,559 Member
    I've had days when after I have done tons of strength training on my legs, they are jelly and I just can't spin very hard. No matter the resistance, it seems I'm climbing a mountain. On those days, I'll just turn the resistance lower and spin faster to get my heart rate up. What you did sounds good too. Good idea to rest today, drink tons of water to flush your muscles and give it a go tomorrow.
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