Looking for friends

Freshmen in college (going to become nutritionist or nurse or somewhere in between) living in an apartment dorm on campus until May

Obsessed with protein bars, bananas, and dried fruits

Major animal lover

I ride and show horses

I like The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, reading books, and drawing.

I am learning to eat healthy while on a tight budget because of expensive college tuition. (so far succeeding!)


  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    We already added each other but I'll take the opportunity to post some info about myself

    I'm a senior in college so on my last year starting september studying BSc in Civil Engineering, currently I'm on industrial training for the summer (ends in like a week).

    I like horses as well and hoping I can get back into riding them in the near future.

    I love sight seeing and as such I love travelling, either by plane or car.
    I also like football (Real one, the one where they use their feet), swimming, also used to like basketball once upon a time but was never good at it and havent played for so long.

    Movies & TV I like 24 the most.
    Currently trying to lose some lbs, already lost around 50 lb but I'm almost half way there.

    Breaking the silence ^_^
  • mehakrafiq

    I am not really new to the my fitness pal, but would like to have motivation to push the last 30 lbs off. I have started weight training and literally hate every single min. of it. WOuld like to know more people who have just started something similar so we can oost each other morales.
