Water ??? 8 glasses

Does anyone else find it hard to drink 8+ glasses of water a day? Some days it's ok, others I struggle.... When summer starts I know I will drink more than 8 glasses : Summer, BRING IT ON!!!!


  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I drink at least 16 cups a day. It was harder at first but you grow accustomed to constantly having a water bottle with you. I even have friends ask where my bottle is if I don't have it in sight...
  • LilyMammoth
    LilyMammoth Posts: 38 Member
    I definitely struggle with this. I'm currently having kidney problems and I think a lot of it is because I don't drink enough water almost daily.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    The biggest struggle is having to pee so much. I have always loved ice cold water, but at times I have to remember to imbibe. It is the lubrication that facilitates our digestion and weight loss. It is a rinse for our insides. Suck it up and drink that H2O.
  • Melaniel25
    absolutely!i am at this moment attempting to motivate myself to get up and get another bottle! im going to try and make a pitcher of water tonite with lemon slices,orange slices,ginger,and mint leaves and see if that helps tomorrow! i dont want anything processed in my water,i just hope this helps!
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I've been a water drinker for years. Funny enough, I started so I could save money instead of buying drinks at a store.

    I have a 20 Oz. Kleen Kanteen (http://amzn.com/B004PXWG4G) that is insulated, and it is the BEST gift I have ever received. I use it every day for tea and water, and have for the last 2 years. Having this lets me always have water on hand, and I generally drink about 3 or 4 a day (one or two are tea, the others water).

    Invest in a great water bottle and keep it on you! It'll become second nature to drink water. :)
  • dropdeadmediocre
    I usually get all my water in... Never was a big water fan, so I squeeze a lime slice into a glass, load it with ice, and sip on that. My cup holds 24 oz. so if I do that three times per day, I feel pretty good.

    But I admit, there are days I just don't want to drink it... I'd be happy sucking down coffee all day.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Are 8 glasses of water really necessary for everyone, regardless of size? I have trouble drinking that much, too, unless it's a very hot or heavy workout day. Also, do other beverages, such as tea, count? Some sources also say there is water in fruits and vegetables, which also counts. I just can't afford to spend that much time in the bathroom on the days that I teach.
  • GoGoGirl1111
    GoGoGirl1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Some great advice here: Thank you all : :) I will drink more each day, I do have a filter jug, and a metal flask water bottle, I do never go out without it. Just that I don't drink all the time: When at home I just forget: lol Crazy to say that I know.

    Happy Losing all : :)
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I find it easy for me to get my 8 glasses. If I struggle, I put a little Mio in my water to help me reach my goal!
  • SeattleRaven
    I mostly do okay because I prefer water to anything else, but on hot days when I need more, I have to add some fruit/etc. for flavor--citrus, mint, or cucumber usually.. Today it was 3 crushed raspberries; I filled the cup three times before the flavor was completely gone.
  • komitra
    komitra Posts: 67
    Hi Dear!

    My name is Kanika, and I am from India.

    I am 27 years old, I am also trying to lose some weight nearly about 70 pounds (30-31 kgs), my height is 5'6", and I am married for two years. I have been an over weight child always, and now all I want to do is lose some weight, so that we can start our family :)

    One thing that I have started doing is drinking at least 3 lts of water per day, and having an early dinner. I also try to exercise for about 25-40 mins a day, for a minimum of 4 days.

    Hope this information helps you in some way.



    P.S. I am new to fitnesspal :) hope to have a good time here!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    It's a lot easier to drink water if it isn't ice cold. I'll take the water out of the refrigerator and let it warm up for a half an hour, then guzzle. It is easier to drink it when working out. Usually drink 1.5 liters of water with the workout.
  • cecesquats
    cecesquats Posts: 166 Member
    i love water and have no problem drinking a lot daily. however, i've noticed that when i drink out of a large cup with a straw that i drink more than i normally would. there's just something about a straw that makes it easier to gulp down large amounts of liquids.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I love my water! I've always been a water drinker, though, so it's not hard for me to drink water. I swear there's something wrong with me because I "crave" tap water. I have a huge water "jug" that I keep filled all the time with ice water and drink on it all day long and I even take it with me to bed at night. This is *not* my personal mug, but one like it (same size)

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    64 Oz is not the magic number. It's a general guide. Record how much you drink and discuss it with your doctor.

    I drink tons and tons of water.

    The girl who mentioned the straw hit on something. People generally drink more from straws. If you actually need to drink more, use a straw. See how it goes. :)
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    I love water:-) . I usually down a glass as soon as I am up as keep a glass in the bathroom. Then have a bottle with me in the day and fill up as and when. Then I down a glass before I go to bed. You can add lemon to water or try flavoured fizzy water. Keep trying as water is the best drink for you. Once you go for a wee and it's clear you know you are drinking enough :-)
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    I usually fill a few gatorade bottles(~2 glasses each) and if will down a couple when I get home from classes/work a couple before bed and the rest either at dinner or in the morning/during classes. If they are slightly less than room temp I find I can chug them very quick without feeling full/sick but if they are to cold/warm i get a bit sick or feel full and dont wanna eat.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of water, most of the liquids we drink count towards hydration, coffee, tea etc are all made with water and help to hydrate us (the oft stated fact that coffee dehydrates is a myth)

    In addition there is no magic number of how much to drink and it depends on the local climate, your activity level etc.

    As long as your pee is pale straw colour (it does not need to be clear) then your body is hydrated and you are fine, if its darker then drink more.
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Most drink that contain water can count towards this, but try have a sports water bottle and continually sip during your day and evening, even take it to bed as you might want a drink during the night.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I sure had a tough time at first, but It becomes routine after a while. I usually range between 60-80 ounces per day, but mostly I monitor urine color. I know if it's pale yellow to clear, I'm hydrating sufficiently.