Binge Eating for three weeks (Help!) :(?!

So three weeks ago I realized I gained 2 pounds 5'6" at 122 lbs to 124 lbs. I felt unmovtivated all of a sudden and I couldn't remember why I started to lose weight in the first place. Since then, over the next three weeks I just ate what I wanted to and I gained 14 lbs. I'm now 138 lbs. this was my starting weight. I hate myself for weighing this much and I feel so unmotivated. I can't fit into most of my clothes and my belly sticks out and I've really lost any shape definition I had. I don't even feel like going anywhere I feel so disgusting. I just stay in my pajamas all day and eat. Because I don't think I can go all that time again eating healthy. I feel like crap. I really can't believe I've gained all of this. It's so much weight and I KNOW it's not all water weight because I've tried drinking a lot of water and it's only gone down like 1-2 lbs. I've even broken the habit of logging my food and exercising. I just need help to get motivated and maybe someone who's been in my postion? Thanks. (Also please don't recommend therapy I've already tried).


    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member

    I am Fred. I have been to the place that you are in multiple times in the last year. The most recent time was three months ago. I refused to get on the scale even though I knew that I was gaining weight. I refused to log, I refused to exercise just pretty much shut down and binged on whatever I wanted. I purged my friends list because I just became turned off by the off and on support that I received from those on my list. I pretty much was a mess and was starting to grow out of my fat boy clothes again. Thankfully I had three members on my MFP list who kept throwing out life lines to me, asking if I was ok, saying that they hoped that I would come back soon and then one of my friends flat out calling me out and saying enough is enough it is time for you to get back on here and logging. It was at that point that I got on the scale again and realized that I had gained all of the weight I had lost and even added a few pounds. Since this is not my first time going through this I decided to really think about what I wanted out of MFP and what I wanted out of my weight loss journey. I went back at it hard, started exercising, started logging, kept eating under my goal and the weight wouldn't come off. It was then that I decided to take a trip down memory lane and to look at my MFP log entries from when I was losing weight and see what I was doing different from what I was doing now. I realized that I was taking in too many calories and that I needed to reduce the amount of food I was putting into my mouth. This was very hard for me because I really love to eat, I love to cook and I love my sweets so it has definitely been a challenge to eat less foods while still feeling like I have not deprived myself of something. Well the results have been really positive, I have re lost 10 pounds and I am have definitely adjusted to the food intake that I am now taking in. I still allow myself one or two days on the weekend to binge on whatever however i make it a point to not go over or try not to go over my normal calorie goal of 2300 calories. Last weekend I actually went 300 calories over on one of the days however I just shrugged it off and kept on going. One thing I know for a fact is that I do not think I could of stuck to this new plan without the support of the few friends that I have left on my list. Their encouragement motivated me and still does on the days that I do not feel like logging or exercising. You have done so many good things already. You are reaching out on MFP, you have stepped on the scale and you know where you are at. you can do this, it all starts with one day, and then finishing that day, then tackling the next day. If we fall down, we just get back up. If you would like someone in your corner for the long haul, good, bad or ugly please feel free to add me. Take care.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Eat at a healthy deficit this time (I'm betting you were eating around 1200 calories before this happened?) of 1lb loss a week, eat back exercise cals if you exercise and use MFP's caloric recommendations, if you think you're sedentary then use the lightly active setting because almost no one is genuinely sedentary, don't restrict foods you love (make them fit into your calories for the day), drink more water to help you lose the water weight you most likely gained as it's VERY unlikely you gained 15lbs of FAT in 3 weeks unless you were eating like 10000 cals (it takes more than a few days to get rid of a lot of water weight, took me 1-2 weeks to lose 25lbs of water weight and that was just because it was gained from the IV drip I was hooked up to in the ER/ICU for 2 days straight - losing water-weight gained from eating too much sodium, for me, takes a LOT of water excluding any water I drink at the gym and will take a few days minimum)
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    I know everyone has goals and an ideal weight, but just remind yourself that even with your recent weight gain you are still a healthy weight for your size. You are not overweight.