What makes you lose motivation?

This is an odd question but the main reason I posted it was because I have come to realize what MAKES you lose motivation can be your motivation?

How is that well, I realized when it gets cold I don't want to workout. So when March/April comes around I get remotivated because of the summer.

So, now that I know this I have made a plan for working out through out the winter. This way I don't fall into my old ways and maybe even look better then imagined next summer!

Basically, what makes you lose your motivation?
What are you going to do to help you regain your motivation?
If you have figured out what has helped you, please share!


  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    This is a great topic!

    I tend to lose motivation when I have one or two bad days and then I am afraid to get on the scale. I tell myself I will get back on track before weighing myself and then next thing I know two months have gone by and I am up 7 pounds. My new thing is getting on the scale at least 3 times a week, even if I am worried about the number.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member

    I'm the opposite. If I do really well I tell myself I can do the things I used to do because I've done so well.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Two things. Bad weather and catching a cold.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My TOM...I seriously just want to curl up on the couch for a week.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I lose my motivation if I start isolating myself or thinking isolating thoughts. When I think "What does it matter to anyone else what I eat or if I exercise?" I know I am in the danger zone, so I force myself to put on my gym shoes and get on the elliptical and tell myself "It matters because you don't want to eat yourself to death, or be so fat you don't want to leave the house. People matter, so this matters."

    Mostly I haven't had motivation problems since starting MFP, because I realized that I had been choosing food over relationships, and decided to change that. That realization has been a total came changer for me.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    This is an odd question but the main reason I posted it was because I have come to realize what MAKES you lose motivation can be your motivation?

    How is that well, I realized when it gets cold I don't want to workout. So when March/April comes around I get remotivated because of the summer.

    So, now that I know this I have made a plan for working out through out the winter. This way I don't fall into my old ways and maybe even look better then imagined next summer!

    Basically, what makes you lose your motivation?
    What are you going to do to help you regain your motivation?
    If you have figured out what has helped you, please share!

    Honestly, I don't loose motivation very easy (in anything) or at least to the point of quiting. If things don't work out, I get very, very mad but I keep going. And if I ever feel that loging, measuring my food and cooking all the time (I don't like cooking), gets to be too much and I start loosing motivation, I strip down and look at myself in the mirror, and my motivation comes back very fast.::embarassed:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't lose motivation, but I go through periods of negative thoughts. I go through periods of negative thoughts when I go clothes shopping at the mall. After working out six days a week, dieting for a year, and counting calories I would EXPECT to be able to walk into a store and get my desired size. That doesn't always happen. So, the negative thoughts begin...
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Pretty much anything that keeps me from working out... Being sick or hurt... It's like once I lose my momentum it's really hard for me to get it back. I dislike going out in the cold/rain also... So that's one too I guess. Oh and also the fact that I get ravenously hungry right around my period and it also wipes me out to the point where I can easily sleep/stay on the couch all day instead of DOING anything. That's a tough one.

    It's also tough that I am trying to keep just about all those things from getting to me right now!
  • kpepper07
    My life in general will make me lose mine. I have a very busy life and eating bad and not working out is so much easier than to do the healthy way. I am going to try to keep my motivation by laying out pants I know do not fit right now and trying them on every week. I am also asking my family to keep me going. I have a hard time staying motivated alone, I like someone to push me!! With this site maybe I will not lose sight!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    i lose motivation when I don't see change .... the thought of instant gratification. If i can't see things changing on my body but yet I have worked my behind off eating right and exercising, then I lose motivation and binge.

    So to help me deal with this, I change up my routine sometimes ..... I get with others that are having the same problems, anything to just not give up.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i lose motivation when I don't see change .... the thought of instant gratification. If i can't see things changing on my body but yet I have worked my behind off eating right and exercising, then I lose motivation and binge.

    So to help me deal with this, I change up my routine sometimes ..... I get with others that are having the same problems, anything to just not give up.

    Yes, I'd have to agree with that as well. I have to be seeing change.
  • mrsu80
    I tend to lose motivation when I get sick. I seldom get sick though. I just don't have the energy to exercise, and then there goes the dieting with it.
  • jrsmithne
    The holidays are making me lose motivation!! This morning I wrapped all my gifts, I finished most of my baking, but my motivation to eat right and drink my water is just nowhere to be found.
  • turbojanem
    First, getting close to my goal and me thinking that i can stop doing what i am doing. i have done this in the past and before i know it, i'm back up again. THIS time, i have accountability. Fitness is my job, so i can't slack off.

    Second, with that said....i have noticed these past weeks being tougher than the past 5 months.....why. Holidays. we are 11 hours away from both our families, we have no children, and my Husband's schedule fell so that he will be working both Thanksgiving week and Christmas week. WAY to much time alone for my brain. AND .....i am one of those that REALLY has to fight the seasonal issues (living in the south has helped a ton with that). it has been cold for a couple weeks, the days are shorter, i can't get out and do yard work, and a few issues have consumed a bunch of my energy.

    What helps me: eating lean proteins, no white sugars/flours, eating veggies, eating whole grains. pushing play with my DVD's helps too. i can do those no matter how cold it is outside. Sitting by a window or being out as much as i can on a sunny day helps too. i also have a BUSY and FUN spring/summer planned already. i want to have lots of energy, be able to do all these events healthy and happy, and look good in the bathing suit this year. i have come WAY to far to turn back. why would i want to go back to my addictions when i am so happy living a free life?

    cheering you on! (and stay warm up there in Janesville! burrrr!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    Being tired, cold weather and the smell of fresh baked goods! Those are my downfalls, but so far logging into MFP and reading the forums has kept me motivated.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Thank you everyone from posting! Now, we just have to remind ourselves that these are our triggers and we need to come up with a plan on how we are not going to put our lifestyle change to the wayside.

    SO, just because it is cold that is not an excuse. Guess what helps you warm up? Getting your body moving!!! Make that blood rush through your veins! You will be warm if not sweating in no time!

    Holidays? Yeah, yeah, yeah easy excuse right? Nope! Just got to remember to get a workout in before the next thing you know it is the next year.

    Sick? Well, yeah you should rest then. But as soon as you start to feel better get a workout in even if it is small, Work yourself back to where you were before you got sick.

    We can do this. Just gotta have a plan!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member

    What helps me: eating lean proteins, no white sugars/flours, eating veggies, eating whole grains. pushing play with my DVD's helps too. i can do those no matter how cold it is outside. Sitting by a window or being out as much as i can on a sunny day helps too. i also have a BUSY and FUN spring/summer planned already. i want to have lots of energy, be able to do all these events healthy and happy, and look good in the bathing suit this year. i have come WAY to far to turn back. why would i want to go back to my addictions when i am so happy living a free life?

    cheering you on! (and stay warm up there in Janesville! burrrr!

    Always mindful of all the things you want to do as soon as it warms up and the things you want to wear is VERY motivating.
  • xquiz8
    xquiz8 Posts: 97 Member
    I lose my motivation when I get overwhelmed. If I have too much going on and I'm not organized, it's easier to say I'll skip my workout and hit the drive-thru than to take the few minutes and plan my meals/workouts.

    Add negative self-talk to that, and before I know it I'm back to my starting weight.

    Ironically, working out and eating well help to calm me down when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    The really cold weather with snow and ice, im black and blue from walking about on the ice and slipping, I look like i've been beaten up!

    When i'm really tired from working and college, when i'm having a rather bad time with general life issues.

    But i try to pick myself up with thinking all the endorphines for exercising.