Help ! Need guidance

optionsgod Posts: 144 Member
I always start to diet and fail miserably. I run out of things to make, I always make grilled chicken with brown rice and toss in some kale. It gets boring and I'm not the best in the kitchen, then when there is no food in the house I hit up the deli before work and you don't get anything healthy there.

my 30th birthday is 8/30/14 and I need to change my lifestyle.

I have a new work schedule that kicks in then, working 1pm-9pm off Tuesdays and Wednesdays, prior schedule stunk, 5pm-3am with the same days off. So I don't want to sleep all day anymore.

Recommend something? Anything.. I opened a gym membership yesterday so that is ready to go.

Should I go to gym in the morning? Should I jus sleep til 11, get ready for work..and hit the gym up after work ? there a nice list someone can shoot my way that I can follow on a week to week basis?

I am 5'10 265 LBS, I would like to get down to 190-200.

Thanks for your help.


  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    I'm not the best advisor lol, bump

    I stock up on veggies and red kidney beans. I look for breads low in fat/cal high in fiber. Fruits, I started making my own shakes and food recipes I am so "creative." Idk if anyone would like me.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    For healthy dinners I sometimes do an oven baked salmon. You can buy the frozen kind, keep it in the freezer until you need it and just pop it in the oven when you're ready for meal time. It's only 100 calories or so for the fillet, and add some frozen veggies (I like the sauced ones you can buy and microwave.) it's stupid easy, healthy, and about as fast as throwing in a frozen pizza. Perfect for work nights! Otherwise I do chicken noodle soup and a salad, also really easy and fast. Or you could try pork tenderloin, sooo good and also easy. I made a baked Parmesan zucchini with that one, even my picky kids wanted seconds! Good luck and remember there are lots of healthy options out there to break the monotony of chicken breasts!
  • Running_From_Zombies
    For healthy dinners I sometimes do an oven baked salmon. You can buy the frozen kind, keep it in the freezer until you need it and just pop it in the oven when you're ready for meal time. It's only 100 calories or so for the fillet, and add some frozen veggies (I like the sauced ones you can buy and microwave.) it's stupid easy, healthy, and about as fast as throwing in a frozen pizza. Perfect for work nights! Otherwise I do chicken noodle soup and a salad, also really easy and fast. Or you could try pork tenderloin, sooo good and also easy. I made a baked Parmesan zucchini with that one, even my picky kids wanted seconds! Good luck and remember there are lots of healthy options out there to break the monotony of chicken breasts!

    How did you make the Parmesan zucchini? Sounds good enough to try :)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Figure out your TDEE and decide your macros.
    Write a list of all the foods you love, your favourite snacks, breakfasts, lunches, dinners etc.
    figure out how you can incorporate these foods into your day and still meet your goals. Include your favourite veggies.
    Are you getting enough protein? If you're not, figure out how to do this too.

    I could make food suggestions, but then is just be telling you what I like to eat. You can customize this just for you. Do you like kale enough to have it every day? Or just enough for once a week. If you want dark green leafy veggies there is also brocolli, spinach, and book Choy.

    Sometimes I just write down what I cook for the week. I might leave if alone or tweak it to make it better. Then I use it for a menu plan for those weeks when I just don't want to think about cooking. It also reminds me of some if mine and my husband's favourite dishes. You don't have to deprive yourself to be successful. In fact, you will be more successful if you enjoy what you eat.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It really is boring. There have been days where I just couldn't swallow another carrot and would eat nothing rather than another piece of lettuce or another freaking green bean. One time, I was so sick of the healthy food I could stand, I just stopped eating and got dizzy. That was a mess.

    When you're limited, it really sucks sometimes!!

    Variety of preparation helps some.

    Branching out to find new healthy food you like helps, too. Tomorrow I try a fruit called a dinosaur egg. I've no idea what the hell it is, but I hope to find another thing I like.

    I find that stopping something for a couple months helps. When I was tired of tuna, I jut swore off of it. When I started thinking, "Maybe..." I was like, "No. I'm not going to get sick of tuna again." After a couple months, I was like, "Yay! Tuna!" I got more sick of other things, but at least I was happy about one thing than disappointed with all.

    It's a problem. I don't know if any of that helps you, but you aren't alone. :)

    Exercise: do it when you want. I like it first thing when I get up, but I don't like to eat or exercise at night. It doesn't make any difference. Whatever you prefer. :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Equip your kitchen for a lower calorie life style. Depending on your needs you might want these:
    blender, measuring spoons and cups, a digital food scale, vegetable peeler, storage containers, something like a collapsible metal steamer, crock pot, rice cooker, griddle, kabob skewer (helps with portion control), . . . .(These help you keep form getting bored.)

    It does not matter if you work out before or after work but it will help your body if you eventually establish a routine.
    Mu husband and I often buy rotisserie chicken and cook a potato or sweet potato and stir fry some veggies. We have enough chicken left over for the next one or two days.
    What do you like to eat? What can you cook besides grilled chicken?
  • duna_pruna
    duna_pruna Posts: 27 Member
    We are a working couple with 3 kids so time is always an issue. I went to Costco and bought a big container of snap ware. Every Sunday, I buy fresh produce for the week. I wash and cut, label and store broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, grapes. I've found that those being convenient helps me to make the healthy meals and snack on healthy snacks. By doing things like this and planning meals for the week in advance, we have managed to get down to a healthy weight and stay healthy and active.
  • optionsgod
    optionsgod Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone, wasn't expecting them so late at night.
    We are a working couple with 3 kids so time is always an issue. I went to Costco and bought a big container of snap ware. Every Sunday, I buy fresh produce for the week. I wash and cut, label and store broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, grapes. I've found that those being convenient helps me to make the healthy meals and snack on healthy snacks. By doing things like this and planning meals for the week in advance, we have managed to get down to a healthy weight and stay healthy and active.

    Does that help the food last longer? ONe of my problems is a lot of the stuff I buy goes bad because I'm not storing it like you do. I'm a single guy so I have the time to do all of this. Maybe since I'm off Wednesday I can prepare stuff for the week ahead.

    Let's you cook chicken, do you cook enough for a couple days in advance of cook it daily?

    I like chicken so I usually pick up a fair amount.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I would simply start by setting a calorie goal, recording your food and exercise in the diary and see how you go. Get 3 or 4 pals on your Friends list who have similar statistics as you, similar goals and are at a similar stage or bit ahead of you.

    I have really enjoyed this "journey", its unexpected directions and the tonnes of new stuff I have learned. Good luck!
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I found the recipe on!