South Florida Folks???

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
okay i have posted a thread before about where is everyone from but now i have friended a few women from florida (where i'm from) and a few kinda in my area...

without me doing a search though the member directory because i'm really only interested in "friending" people who are ACTIVE on the boards and the chatter and the support and the logging.....

Join this thread and maybe we can meet up for a workout or a healthy lunch or hang outside of the "internet" as healthy friends.....

i have a few friends locally who are working on themselves or at least say they are but i can not express how thankful and grateful i am for the "friends" i have found on here...

why not try to intertwine both together....

anyway, hope to hear from some of you....have a good week...


  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Okay, despite the temps...I think I still am in South Florida!! North Broward :)

    Single mom with an amazing 10 year old son and a wonderful boyfriend. Loving MFP and would love to meet some new friends!!!

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i got you lol....i'm trolling for more local yocals lol
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    You've got me already to. I am from the Space Coast, southern Brevard.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Okay girls..seems we are stuck with the three of us. LOL I know there were others!! Hmmm....they are hiding!!

    What are you all doing for workouts?? I have started 30 day shred. (I like to call it "torture") I do that, and then I do a leslie walking video (the two mile one) after it..helps my muscles recover faster, and not as sore.

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing who else is around!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    You've got me already to. I am from the Space Coast, southern Brevard.

    I have family on the Treasure Coast...and then some right near the Panhandle somewhere...I always forget where they moved to. LOL Nice up there. I know you must REALLY be freezing if we are this cold!!!!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    well i guess we wont grow anymore LOL...oh well...i'm happy with my few florida friends....hope you guys are ready for the warm up like i am....supposed to be back in the 60s-70s for the rest of the week....

    maybe it will get chilly again for christmas, that would be nice...
  • lindalos54
    lindalos54 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ladies! I am from the West Palm Beach area - Royal Palm Beach actually. I was hoping to find some people close by for support and motivation. I posted last night - topic names West Palm Beach - but no responses yet....

    As you can see by my profile, I actually joined the end of Dec. 2009. I had lost over 50 pounds in 2008 - and 2009 saw most of it come back. So I was committed to getting back on track in 2010. But then life threw me a curve husband passed away on New Year's Day 2010......and that just put a screeching halt to any thoughts I had about anything for a while. I spent 2010 sort of floundering...and added a few more pounds on....and completely forgot all about this site!

    A few days ago, my daughter (21) emailed me about an app for our android phones that she andher boyfriend had started using. I had seen their facebook posts and looked it up and installed it on my phone. So she said she was going to "friend" me once I told her my ID. And then she came back and told me that she had found me on the website......son of a gun! :-)

    I took that all to me my wake up sign that is high time I did something to start getting this weight back off. I'm tired of being tired all the time. I'm tired of being out of breath just carrying one box out to the car. I'm tired of being winded just carrying light loads to the campsite when I go camping with the cub scouts....or going on a hike where there are incines of any sort.

    So here I am - hoping ot connect with some people to help me keep on track and stay motivated.

    I'd love to hear your stories......

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