Is it wrong to want to maintain right now?

I'm new...Well actually I've been on the site before but once I got pregnant I got a little frusterated and distracted about losing weight. So I took a break.

Is it wrong to just want to stay where I'm at weight wise right now? I don't want to stress about losing weight but I still do want to eat healthy and of course not "eat for two". I'm finally over the "morning sickness" which is all day don't want to eat anything but bread nausea for me. I'm 5 1/2 months along now and have gained about 15 lbs. This is my second pregnancy and by this time the last time I had already gained 25. I'm just so worried about being that huge again. I'm trying not to stress out too much on the wrong reasons. My doc says I'm fine, I'm just worrying too much I guess.


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    When you are talking about the health of your baby, your doc knows best. If he/she says you are fine, you have to believe that. Did you ask him/her this question? If not, can you email/call and just check?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I dont think you should try to lose weight when you are pregnant. However eating healthy and not overeating just because you are pregnant is smart. Then it will be easier to lose once the baby is born and you wont have so much to lose
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    We have a Pregnancy forum here on in the forums for Pregnancy - December 2010. There are some reallly great and knowledgable ladies there!!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    From what I've read 20-40lbs is considered a healthy weight gain by the end of the 9 months. Of course it all depends on where you were when you got pregnant, if you end up 2 weeks overdue, etc. So don't fret, and remember that 7-10lbs is instantly gone the second the baby is born & another 5-15 in liquids & other stuff by the time you're out of the hospital! :)
  • NancyMoedt

    I'd be happy to maintain during the christmas season. There is way too much food, chocolate and sweets around.

    But it's all about balance. And in actuality for me, I need to let my body relax a little bit to take a breather.

    Hope that helps.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    if you are worried talk with your doctor. focus on eating healthy and enough calories for 2. general rule is add about 300 calories a day when pregnant. more when you are breast feeding. but that can be healthy too. a glass or two of milk and some extra oatmeal (or other sources of fiber) in the morning will give you easy to eat caloires that will benefit your body especially with the other changes pregnancy can bring.
    remember you discovered MFP after your last pregnancy and you have seen great progress. you will see it again but the most important thing is a healthy mom and baby. if there is more weight then you'd like you'll just start to knock it off again afterwards.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    It's fine for anyone to use this site to maintain at any time. Hell, some people just set to maintain over the holidays so that they can splurge a little and not gain any weight while not feeling they have to restrict their calories with all the good food around.

    Re preg and maintaining use the site to maintain, but don't let it restrict your eating or healthy preg weight gain. I am set to maintain but have just started eating over about 100-300 per day since I am 16 weeks. (:blushing: full disclosure, most of those extra cals this week have been cake since I am celebrating the son and hubby being out of town and having some down time!) I've also managed to not gain anything (yet) while still eating ALL the time. I don't get to my maintenance count and say - oh, I MUST NOT eat anything else today, because if I am feeling lightheaded or tired (as i was a lot early on), or just hungry even, I would have some OJ or toast even if it put me over. What I have found logging helps me do is not to just snack because I want to. If I just WANT a cookie at 10pm and I know I'm through all my cals for the day I skip it. If I were not logging I know I would just eat it because "how bad could it be?".

    PS seriously, come join us on the preg forum! It's fun :wink:
  • rmkcw0519
    Thank ya'll so much. Sometimes its just good to hear it from other people too instead of feeling like I'm just making excuses. :smile:

    I will find the pregnancy posts, thank you.