Grocery Shopping trouble. Help Please.



  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    when it's warmer out i pull the stroller out and take kids walking for about 2 miles every other day. but can't really do that now with 0 degree weather. so i wake up before they do. i jog in place, sit ups, push ups, yoga, and pilates.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    It sounds like you got alot of advice on the food but as far as exercise. You should buy one of those baby carriers and do walking, squats, lunges and leslie sansone walking dvds, also vaccuming, sweeping the floors while wearing your son this will help burn more calories or you could put him in a stroller and do walking, or do exercise dvds while he is sleeping. Good luck , you can do it
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    jello chocolate indulgence mousse. so damn good!!!

    I second the above statement. Super delish. For me the first week of changing my eating habits was the biggest challenge. I suppose it works to my advantage that I don't have a massive sweet tooth and I don't like salty things. This is my second week of eating healthy and I eat 3 meals a day along with at least two snacks. Today I get three snacks :D

    Generally for snacks I switch it up a little so I don't feel like I'm eating the same thing all the time. These are some of the things I eat (a chocolate indulgence mousse cup, healthy choice mocha swirl bar, Skinny cow truffle bar,1/2c cup nonfat Greek plain yogurt with one tablespoon of honey and 2oz of blueberries, a cup of grapes, a medium banana, one serving of reduced fat triscuits, one serving of Special K(either cinnamon pecan or red berries) with 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk and 1/2 cup of blueberries or a banana sliced on top. Your options are really unlimited as to what you can fill up with when you're hungry. Also always have water at hand. Sometimes people confuse thirst with hunger and eat rather than drinking water.

    I hope all the suggestions everyone has offered is helpful for you.
  • crissi66
    what are those?

    Vitatops are the tops of diet muffins. they come in a variety of flavor . you can toast them for a quick breakfast or nice snack. i believe they are about 100 calories.