Missing Periods

Hi guys,
Long time lurker here who occassionally posts. I have a problem and would maybe like to hear people's opinions.

I haven't had a period in 11 weeks, my diet has changed to 50% fat, 25-30% carb and 25-30% protien, but that was about three months ago. The amount of calories I have been consuming hasnt changed (there tends to be a 100 calorie fluctuation etc every day depending). I only eat back about 20-50% of excercise calories if at all.

I'm feeling nauseous and really hungry all the time now. I would understand if I slashed my calories or something or started marathon training but I haven't drastically changed anything.

Not pregnant, I have been taking a pregnancy test every week now (in morning) just to make sure. I shouldn't be, but there is always a slight possibility even with protection.

I was anorexic when I was 15, who then missed periods for 2 years, and irregular periods after that- but for the past year and a half I have been really really regular (always 28-31 days). Could my body have just gone back to being irregular, has anyone else experienced this?

Any opinions would be much appreciated.


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,698 Member
    Please see a doctor. Amenorrhea has other health implications with respect to bone density and hormone levels, so shouldn't be treated lightly. I've had it in the past when my body fat got too low while training for a full marathon.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Go to a doctor. This is serious.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I too believe that something is wrong, and nobody here will be able to help you.
    Get a doctor's appointment today.
    As to the hunger, I guess you should address that too. Don't start binging though.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You need professional help, not people on the internet. Please call your doctor.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Please go see a Doctor. This could be an indication of something serious. You need a professional and not random's on the net.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I looked at your profile quickly to try to assess if you were really over weight or really under weight and it seems like with your current goals you're in the healthy range for your height (since you're aiming to get to a BMI of 22 which is still within the healthy range).

    You really do need to go see a doctor for a couple reasons. First off, you could be pregnant and not peeing positive on take home tests, the most accurate test is actually done by blood, not urine. Second, if you aren't pregnant it's a clear sign that something else is wrong; 20 years olds don't lose their period for no reason -- it could be significant nutritional deficiencies, hormone issues, etc all of which point to much larger health issues if left unaddressed. You should also let the doc know about changes in your appetite and the nausea you've been experiencing, because those could be linked.

    None of us are trying to scare you, we just don't have the initials MD in front of our names and know that you need to speak to someone who does. Good luck with everything!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Go see a doctor. I went through the same thing though and mine told me it's normal if you exercise a lot to miss it sometimes, and that 10 periods a year is considered normal. It came back after 3 months, and I didn't really do anything differently except maybe eat a bit more fat.
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    I agree, go to the doctor. When i'm not on birth control I skip periods ALL the time. This was super fun in the months leading up to my wedding.
    I don't know if you have normally had irregular periods, but I'm guessing it's probably a hormonal imbalance and not a nutritional deficit, but only a doctor can tell you.
    They might be able to treat you with BC if it's hormones. Good luck!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm incredibly irregular but I always have been. With you having been "regular" and now aren't, definitely make an appointment just to be safe. :heart:
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Pregnancy tests aren't always accurate - says the woman that took several pregnancy tests which said she wasn't pregnant and who now has a ten year old son that she "wasn't" pregnant with.