1400 Calories per day - need help

Hi Everyone,

Just looking for help please, currently my daily figures are :

Calories 1400
Carbs 122
Fat 31
Protein 158

I have been managing most days except for 1 to remain under my Calorie total however the total of my Macros are constantly over which means i need to make positive changes to the food I am eating (especially cutting out crisps and chocolate - have a stressful job and sometimes its all that can be grabbed).

I am 33 years old, i am a mother of 2 kids (9yrs and 4yrs), from Glasgow in Scotland. I have a job whereby I am sitting mostly however it is very stressful. I am also trying to excerise 3 times a week (not managing to hit that so far so changed my goals to 1 exercise a week). When I am exercising I am running. I did have a personal trainer but cant afford to continue with that just now.

I am looking for positive guidance on what to have for meals which will be better choices and keep me within Macros to help me lose weight as this is what I aiming for just now.

Thank you to anyone who offers advice it will be appreciated

June x


  • jedimonkey
    jedimonkey Posts: 7 Member
    Keep up the good work. I can't comment on your macros/calories I'm afraid. I would really struggle to stay as low as that.

    I also have a busy, stressful job. I find that being prepared is absolutely key to eating at work. I tend to eat the same things everyday at work. I have little boxes of various nuts and seeds, and other little nibble type things which are a go to food rather than grabbing some chocolate or crisps. Plan your food for work. If you don't, then you will grab the wrong snack. Lunch is usually chicken (on work george foreman grill) with nandos sauce and masses of salad and veg. I take water bottles so I always have one to hand.

    You can get some exercise in with the kids at the weekends surely? I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. We go cycling most weekends for a day out. I stick the 3 year old into a bike trailer (she has a horn and honks at everyone we pass) and the 6 year old can now cycle 10 miles. Good for family life and teaching the kids good habits. On the other weekend day we go to the park or go a long walk. Have a look at Geocaching if you don't know what it is already - basically an GPS treasure hunt you can do with your phone. My kids LOVE hunting for them and many hours are spent outside looking for them.

    If you have someone else at home who can watch the kids there is no reason you can't get more exercise in. I get kid 1 down around 7pm to bed (mon/wed) and go out for a run (5-10k) and the wife sorts out kid 2. I do the same on the other days for her. One day we get one of the grannies to come and do bedtime and both the wife and I go out a run/cycle.

    Some mornings I get up at 5 and go cycling and I'm back before anyone is up and I can get their lunch/breakfast sorted and get them up.