should I lose more?

I am 23 ,female .I weigh 53 kgs ,but look skinny -_- 've lost almost 13 kgs goal was perfect 50 but everybody is saying i look too skinny with 53 kgs :s I don't know :| should i lose more or should carry the ongoing one?


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I hate that skinny look. ;-) I only was there once, after an operation. If you think you look too thin, you might start lifing weights and toning your body. That may add a bit of weight ( I didn't, though) and it will improve how your body feels as well as looks. I do body pump and a free weight class called Shred. It took about a year, but I look pretty good right now. I'm 5'3 and 125.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    How tall are you? Do you think you're too skinny? Can you happily maintain at 50 kg?

    Maybe you should look into body recomposition and not necessarily at your weight.
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi, How tall are you?

    As with that information we can look at the BMI scale, I know it not the most accurate, becuse it does not take into account body muscle.

    Remember you want ot be a healthy weight, not unhealthy weight.

    Whats you daily calorie consumption?

    As the last post said light weight high rep training could help, giving you a athletic body deffinition. What you want is that happy medium, if people, freinds are saying you look too skinny then its possible you are, we all see ourselves as different than friends do.

    I know I look at myself and think Im fat but my freinds see something different, they can see I have lost weight but I dont.

    If there is anything I can help with drop me a line and I will help where I can.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    What has helped me is believing that there isn't a single end point. There's just lots of milestones. I've stopped losing at 9st 7lb and am going to make strength and a toned look my priority. I envisage I'll cut again in perhaps 4 or 6 months time to get down to 9st 2lb.
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    One thing that I will say is that when people see you lose weight, and it is a major change, they will tell you (Long before you are) that you are "Too Thin". I think it is because they are used to seeing you in a certain way and when that changes too much they start saying that. Do not go by the scale on weight, get a body comp done at a local gym and get to the point you are carrying a healthy amount of fat.

    I would recomend to start a body recomposition as well. Good Luck, and don't let people stop you on your journey to health.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    53 kg is around 117 lbs., so unless you're very short, you probably do look pretty thin at this point. You might want to start maintaining and build some muscle by doing strength training. I'm only 5'1.5" myself, and my goal is around 115.
  • Afraleo
    Afraleo Posts: 6
    thnx all :)
  • Afraleo
    Afraleo Posts: 6
    One thing that I will say is that when people see you lose weight, and it is a major change, they will tell you (Long before you are) that you are "Too Thin". I think it is because they are used to seeing you in a certain way and when that changes too much they start saying that. Do not go by the scale on weight, get a body comp done at a local gym and get to the point you are carrying a healthy amount of fat.

    I would recomend to start a body recomposition as well. Good Luck, and don't let people stop you on your journey to health.
    this is so damn true!
    and the worst part is they Love seeing us fat and mock :@ but when we r losing they come up saying we look too thin and bla bla
  • Afraleo
    Afraleo Posts: 6
    53 kg is around 117 lbs., so unless you're very short, you probably do look pretty thin at this point. You might want to start maintaining and build some muscle by doing strength training. I'm only 5'1.5" myself, and my goal is around 115.
    i m 5.2 and half :smile:
  • Afraleo
    Afraleo Posts: 6
    Hi, How tall are you?

    As with that information we can look at the BMI scale, I know it not the most accurate, becuse it does not take into account body muscle.

    Remember you want ot be a healthy weight, not unhealthy weight.

    Whats you daily calorie consumption?

    As the last post said light weight high rep training could help, giving you a athletic body deffinition. What you want is that happy medium, if people, freinds are saying you look too skinny then its possible you are, we all see ourselves as different than friends do.

    I know I look at myself and think Im fat but my freinds see something different, they can see I have lost weight but I dont.

    If there is anything I can help with drop me a line and I will help where I can.
    i m 5.2 and half smile and i look oke but my shaggy hands aren't being toned yet :| thats y wana lose some more
  • In my experience, "friends" remember how you looked at the heavier weight and now see you at the lesser weight, so they say "you look skinny." Never mind that they remember you at an unhealthy weight. Doesn't matter (what anyone else thinks about how you look). What matters is are you at an appropriate, healthy weight for your age, height, activity, body composition. Which may look a lot less than what you have been carrying for years. Can you maintain that lower weight? (Of course you can.) Have you actually made a lifestyle change or are you just struggling on a "project" diet, trying to get to some goal (seeking approval for stopping), after which you will tend to return to old habits. Listen to the professionals, not your friends. I live in Wisconsin USA and have recently noticed what all the media has been writing about for years: Americans are overweight! Many Americans are very much overweight. It's downright depressing. Especially in Wisconsin (cheese, beer and meat). Take a good look at the people you see on the street, in a typical crowd. Do you want to be like them? Or are you smarter, more disciplined than they are. Tell your friends that their opinion of how you look is not important., they should pay more attention to their own nutrition and its effects.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    both are within a normal BMI for your height. i guess the question is are you happy with the way you look and feel?
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If you look skinny, dieting isn't the answer--weight training is.
  • Provided the weight you have chosen is within the range of medically healthy, then I'd say go with what you want, not what others want.
  • In my experience, "friends" remember how you looked at the heavier weight and now see you at the lesser weight, so they say "you look skinny." Never mind that they remember you at an unhealthy weight. Doesn't matter (what anyone else thinks about how you look). What matters is are you at an appropriate, healthy weight for your age, height, activity, body composition. Which may look a lot less than what you have been carrying for years. Can you maintain that lower weight? (Of course you can.) Have you actually made a lifestyle change or are you just struggling on a "project" diet, trying to get to some goal (seeking approval for stopping), after which you will tend to return to old habits. Listen to the professionals, not your friends. I live in Wisconsin USA and have recently noticed what all the media has been writing about for years: Americans are overweight! Many Americans are very much overweight. It's downright depressing. Especially in Wisconsin (cheese, beer and meat). Take a good look at the people you see on the street, in a typical crowd. Do you want to be like them? Or are you smarter, more disciplined than they are. Tell your friends that their opinion of how you look is not important., they should pay more attention to their own nutrition and its effects.
    thankyou :) these words were really needed :happy:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    At your weight I don't think a lb or three will make much difference to your overall look. If you really wanna look healthy and fit then weight lifting and exercise is the way to go. Sometimes even a small amount of fat can look jiggly if the muscle underpinning it is tiny. Don't underestimate muscle it holds what fat you have into a pleasing shape. It's from that you will get the "toned" appearance.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    At your weight I don't think a lb or three will make much difference to your overall look. If you really wanna look healthy and fit then weight lifting and exercise is the way to go. Sometimes even a small amount of fat can look jiggly if the muscle underpinning it is tiny. Don't underestimate muscle it holds what fat you have into a pleasing shape. It's from that you will get the "toned" appearance.

    This is so true. You can be at the low end of the 'insurance charts healthy weight range" and still have "jiggles". The good news is it doesn't take an hour in the gym to improve your strength and overall toned appearance. Yoga, Pilates, Barre3, and 2-3 30 minute sessions a week of a well thought out strength training with weights yields really good results. Rotating Yoga, Barre3, and 2 30 minute sessions a week with a PT on Weights has noticeable results in just two weeks.

    Enjoy the journey!