BBCA Show: "You Are What You Eat" with Jillian McKeith

Hello, dear fellow MFP-ers!
Today I remembered a TV show I saw last year on BBC America. The host's name was Jillian.
She was a "nutritionist" whose basic premise for weight loss was that people should eat unlimited quantities of most vegetables and fruits, with guides for beans, nuts, etc. She was vehemently proposing NO PROCESSED INGREDIENTS/PACKAGED foods/ingredients.
I have no idea the calories her "clients" ate, but (the ones they decided to broadcast, surprisingly ; ) successfully lost pounds.
Has anyone out there actually seen this, attempted it or know someone who has? What were the results?


  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello!! As a UKer.. we have the BBC shows here.. i have watched "Dr" Jillian.. but i cant say i have tried to follow her diets.. maybe google them, see if you can find anything, im sure you'd have to give up a lot of certain food groups... that i wouldnt do! sorry my post hasnt been more informative... Plus she is also the most annoying woman in the world... dont know if you get "im a celebrity, get me out of here" in the USA, but she was on that and was so irritating. never did any of the trials and screamed way too much.. maybe youtube the clips n see for youself... wanted to giver her a good slap!!!
    sorry i went off on a tangent! xx
  • errnhmm
    errnhmm Posts: 1 Member
    I've watched the show quite a bit, and i filled out a profile online. It had a lot of really good information. Processed foods are terrible for you. The additives that prolong the food often have a lot of sodium. Food isn't made to last. Some say it can cause cancer, but I'm not sure about that. I do think that making food last longer than it should and then eating it, is not healthy. I think fresh, homemade food is way better than processed food. The types of food that she pushes aren't bad for you, so I would say take her advice with a grain of salt. Obviously she tailors the needs of specific people to certain focused diets. You just need to make sure you eat a well balanced diet.
  • SimonsGirl
    Hello!! As a UKer.. we have the BBC shows here.. i have watched "Dr" Jillian.. but i cant say i have tried to follow her diets.. maybe google them, see if you can find anything, im sure you'd have to give up a lot of certain food groups... that i wouldnt do! sorry my post hasnt been more informative... Plus she is also the most annoying woman in the world... dont know if you get "im a celebrity, get me out of here" in the USA, but she was on that and was so irritating. never did any of the trials and screamed way too much.. maybe youtube the clips n see for youself... wanted to giver her a good slap!!!
    sorry i went off on a tangent! xx

    Oh i know she is soo annoying! she fainted a lot as well, which doesn't look good for her as a diet nutrionist :laugh:
  • platoniclover
    Hahaha! Yeah, fainting dead away ain't usually The best sign of health :O