Depoprovera birth control shot

KittyCathy Posts: 36 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all. Just wondering if any women can answer my question about the weight gain problem on this shot. I have took this shot before a long time ago but got pregnant a while after i got off it and just had a baby. I need something long term so I dont need to worry about pills. Im just wondering how much weight overweight women who just had a baby and have taken the shot before gain on it because I'm trying very hard to lose weight. Do you think it would affect the weight I lose dramatically or do you just gain 5 pounds when you start it like my gyno said? Any advice or stories would be great. Thanks :happy:


  • I don't know if I can say my weight gain was due to depro, because I had horrible eating habits and did not exercise. What I CAN say is it dried up my emotions. I didn't have any. I was just a blob. Not depressed, just no zest.

    I also have issues with hormone levels kicking me into migranes so daily pills are out (thank goodness). I tried the patch for a year, but due to my weight, it wasn't a strong enough dose for my body and had irratic periods.

    What I use now and LOVE is the nuva ring. Once a month. Insert it (literally looks like a little girls jelly-bracelet) for three weeks. Comes out the week of your period. Simple. No migranes. I'm losing weight with diet and exercise.
  • double post..... :flowerforyou:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I think Depo was created by the Devil. I was one of the lucky few who ended up with the rage side-effect. Look at me funny and I wanted to throw things. Outside of that, I don't think it's the best thing, so I personally wouldn't suggest it for people. For example since your period stops, if you are so lucky to not end up with unending spotting this time around, you won't know if you are pregnant again...

    Anyway, remember it's a hormone and that can effect the way your body functions. But the nice thing is that you shouldn't have the same type of fluctuations that other women have with other types of hormonal contraceptives.

    I dig the ring, low hormone. And I know people who love their IUD. I gained no weight from the ring and well the IUD isn't hormonal. Just to offer some other options for you.

    Good luck! :)
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I don't know if I can say my weight gain was due to depro, because I had horrible eating habits and did not exercise. What I CAN say is it dried up my emotions. I didn't have any. I was just a blob. Not depressed, just no zest.

    I also have issues with hormone levels kicking me into migranes so daily pills are out (thank goodness). I tried the patch for a year, but due to my weight, it wasn't a strong enough dose for my body and had irratic periods.

    What I use now and LOVE is the nuva ring. Once a month. Insert it (literally looks like a little girls jelly-bracelet) for three weeks. Comes out the week of your period. Simple. No migranes. I'm losing weight with diet and exercise.

    I love, love, love the nuvaring too!!!
  • I know I'm not a female, but I do have some experience with the Depoprovera shot as my ex-girlfriend was on that stuff for 4 yrs. and while she didn't gain any weight while on it. it did screw up her system (casued her blood not to coagulate properly, little to no period, and long term serility), and caused her to have sever allergies to foods, and items (even hypo-allergenic items) this may not happen with every female that gets the "shot" but I would suggest doing independant research on the drug, and weigh your options carefully.
  • StephP0915
    StephP0915 Posts: 10 Member
    I also cannot comment on weight gain with Depo...for the same reasons mentioned above. However I too had other issues with Depo. I talked to my doc and she recommended Mirena. I LOVE it. All my previous concerns have been alleviated and I only have to worry about birth control every 5 years. I haven't gained any weight as a result of my switch to Mirena, and since I have started to get my eating habits and exercise habits aligned, I have faith that the weight will come off. I did not lose weight dramatically after quitting Depo. The unfortunate fact is that no matter how fast you put it on, it always takes longer to take it off. Hang in there and good luck!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Hey all. Just wondering if any women can answer my question about the weight gain problem on this shot. I have took this shot before a long time ago but got pregnant a while after i got off it and just had a baby. I need something long term so I dont need to worry about pills. Im just wondering how much weight overweight women who just had a baby and have taken the shot before gain on it because I'm trying very hard to lose weight. Do you think it would affect the weight I lose dramatically or do you just gain 5 pounds when you start it like my gyno said? Any advice or stories would be great. Thanks :happy:

    Have you looked at an IUD since you've already had a child... I believe the latest one is Mirena. I think its made out of plastic unlike the old metal ones. I don't know much about it other than that, so its just a suggestion.
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    Nothing bad to say about any of these options. Did depo, I was 1 in 100 women who had excessive hair loss... didn't notice any weight gain. Well I ate like a pig.
    Buuuut, I would suggest trying the nuvo ring first! I LOVE IT. Why chance side effects with depo if there is any easy alternative?
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Had horrible experiences with depo....never gained weight till I got that shot. I also LOVE nuva ring. Made my periods lighter, no cramps, no headaches, no weight gain, clearer skin!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I watched my friend at 18 years old be a complete and total *kitten* for the 30 days depo was in her system and her nose swelled to almost double the size. It was really the damndest thing..

    What scares me about the depo is that you are stuck with it for 30 days no matter what. Its not like a pill, the IUD or the ring that you can have taken out or stop taking. You are stuck.

    I did mirena for 6 miserable months. Depression, horrid back cramps, miserable cramping, etc. Doctor said it was a localized BC form...not for me. But I know many others who love it.

    I know many women who love the nuva ring, and if I ever went back on bc it would be to try that.
  • I don't know what other women's experience with depo is, but I have been on it for 12 years and didn't gain weight because of it, or have any other side effects that some women experience.
  • ItsNatastic
    ItsNatastic Posts: 66 Member
    I was on Depo for almost 6 years. I gained a lot of weight right off the bat, and so did many of my friends on the shot as well. I also got pregnant on it, after using it for over 5 years consistantly. The doctors here where I live wont even prescribe it anymore because its been found to cause osteoperosis (sp??) and some other really scary things. I tried the patch as well (got pregnant on it) and now have an IUD which is about the only thing I can ever see myself ever using for the rest of my life.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I have never been on it but a lot of my friends who were on it gained a lot of the whole time they were on it, not just in the beginning. I have mirena and absolutely love it!! doc puts it in and you do nothing for 5 years!!! No weight gain with it either!!! So much easier than the pill/patch/nuva ring/ depo shot--because you literally do nothing for 5 years!! if you want to get pregnant before that the doc can take it out!! oh and mirena is an IUD in case you didnt know!!
  • I have never had the depo. It is just worth the effort right now not to get pregant and actually take my pill each evening. All of these crazy injections and some other options seem so unnatural, hence the NASTY side effects. It seems the people here favor Nuva Ring or an IUD. Try something simple before you are STUCK. I agree with that. Makes complete sense. But again, the pill works for me. I just leave it on my nightstand and take it when i get in bed. Easy peasy.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    I've been on depo for 15 years; I've had no problems. The gradual weight gain I've experienced over the past 10 years I know has been totally my responsibility of overeating/lack of regular exercise, not due to depo. Depo does NOT cause osteoporosis; there is a link between depo and calcium loss, it's quite the leap to say depo=osteoporosis, so I take a calcium supplement (which basically every woman should do anyway) and I've been happy with depo. Obviously from the responses above, many people experience difficulties, so it all depends on your own individual self to see what happens.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I liked the pill too. I never really gained weight on it but if you dont take it like 100% of the time at the same time everday it isnt as effective. I have gotten pregnant twice on the pill. first time i was on antibiotics and had a miscarriage probably because i was taking birth control for like 3 months because i didnt know i was pregnant and the second time i got pregnant i still have no idea why...i never missed a pill but i didnt take it at the same time everyday...thats the only thing i could figure out!! so needless to say I dont trust the pill!! LOL
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    My gyno said a lot of people have problems with Depo, including spottiness, weight gain, and trouble conceiving because of irregular periods when they go off of it. Instead of the shot, I'd recommend the Nuvaring. You just insert a ring the Sunday after your period ends to start off the new month and wear it daily. You don't bother with it at all until period week, when you pull it out that Sunday so you can get it. It can be removed during sex if you wish, but most people just leave it in (it can't get lost) and most men say they can't feel it. Check it out. My gyno said the gals have really been loving it and it doesn't have as many side effects as the Depo. She also said as long as antibiotics don't interfere with absorption, it's 100% effective, because it's absorbed all of the time....unlink a pill that you're suppost to take like clockwork, which never happens!

  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Depo was great for me for 10 years. No noticeable weight gain (attributable to that at least), no mood swings, no pregnancy, and regular bone scans showed no osteo either. Once I went off it, I had a couple of wonky periods but that could have just as easily been related to the weight loss, so I can't say it was responsible.

    On the pill (pick one.. I tried many) I had horrid mood swings, crying jags and the like. My brain was fuzzy and I forgot to do things, like take the stupid thing. Depo was a Godsend.
  • StephP0915
    StephP0915 Posts: 10 Member
    Whatever you do, if Depo is not working for you, let your doctor know why and have your doc help guide you to another option. The pill and Nuva Ring were not viable options for me because of a family history of blood clots and heart attacks. To be on the safe side, my doc and I chose Mirena. Every person's body and medical history are different. Your doc will be able to help you find the safest, best method of birth control for you.
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