calorie confusion



  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    When you configured your settings on MFP, did you tell it you wanted to lose 2 pounds a week? If you're 194 and want to get down to 140, which sounds like a reasonable goal, 2 pounds a week is too aggressive. If you set it to 1 or 1.5 pounds per week, you'll have more calories to play with and it will increase adherence over the long term. Long-term adherence is really important when you're talking about losing a significant amount of weight. If you kill yourself to lose 2 pounds a week but quit after two months, you've lost 16 pounds. If you take it just a little bit slower and lose 1 pound a week, but you can stick to that for a year, you'll lose 52 pounds.

    Here is a good guide to goal-setting:

    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,

    I agree with the earlier posters, though. If you're not weighing and measuring correctly, you're overestimating your intake. Virtually everyone overestimates.

    Yes I did put 2lbs per week, I never thought about what you have pointed out. I'll look at that. Thank you!
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I'm confused on what amount of calories I should eat to optimize weight loss. I am 5"3" and currently 194. I have a desk job so I sit all day but I exercise every day for 30 min minimum but normally 45min, sometimes longer on the weekends. MFP has my calorie goal at 1200 and I am always very close to that. I'm not losing much weight. I started watching my food and exercising July 1 at 203lbs so I've only lost 9lbs in almost two months which seems slow to me. I saw that someone on another thread posted a link to scooby's calorie counter and it tells me I should be eating around 1500. How do I figure out what amount is correct? I definitely have a calorie deficit so why am I not losing?

    I guess one other thing I don't really understand is that they say if you don't eat enough calories you'll go into "starvation mode" and it will make your metabolism worse. How is a person supposed to know what their body considers starvation? Any help/advise is appreciated. I'm trying very hard but feeling discouraged. Also I have not had any pop in over 3 weeks and drink 120+ oz of water per day. Thanks in advance!

    I think part of the problem is you're being too restrictive and eating below your BMR (what your body would need to function if you were in a coma) using your stats, your BMR is around 1635. Your TDEE is around 2241 (which is actually from scooby, so I don't know how your got numbers so low; lightly active setting).

    So if you eat 1635, you're creating a deficit of 606 calories a day, which equals out to about 1.5lbs of weight loss per week.

    Eat more food, you'll feel better. I eat around 1620 a day (which is my BMR) and have a 500 or so calorie deficit, I easily lose more than an lb a week. I've lost 70 or so thus far. There's no reason to restrict as much as you are and in the long run you'll lose more lean muscle mass eating at 1200 than you would if you were eating your BMR which will make your body composition better at the end of your weight loss.

    Be sure to recalculate these numbers for every 5lbs lost.

    This is why I am confused. I'm not trying to be restrictive I'm doing what MFP says to do. I don't understand why it would tell me to eat 1200/day if that is too low...and at the same time if it is extremely low then why am I not losing? I can increase my calories but it will drive me crazy for MFP to show I'm over my calorie goal every day! I know that sounds anal but I'm a little ocd I guess and trying to follow the "rules" account to MFP but I want to lose this weight also.

    You don't have to use the MFP "rules" if it's not working for you. When I started I used the guided "recommended". I work a desk job as well but I also work out every day for about 30-60 mins and I wanted to lose weight quick so MFP set my calorie goal at 1200. That did not work for me as I was hungry most of the time. After figuring out my TDEE and what worked for me I started customizing my goals.

    I'm 5'7" at 173 lbs. (I started at 195) and my calorie goal is 1600 I only eat my exercise calories back if I'm hungry. Per Scoobys workshop site ( my BMR is 1564 so I'm technically eating a little over my goal but I'm still losing weight. You have to find what works for you because everyone is different.

    Now with all that being said, you've lost nine pounds that is really something! You should be proud of your accomplishment and don't get discouraged because it may not be happening as quickly as you would like it. You didn't put the weight on overnight or in a week so it's not going to come off overnight or in a week. It's going to take time and dedication
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    If you're sure you're tracking your calories accurately, the next thing I'd wonder was how you were tracking your weight. I lose pretty steadily over the long term, but over the short term, there's a lot of fluctuation that makes the loss hard to identify.

    For instance, I was at 189.2 on 8/3, but 191.2 on 8/11, which looks a lot like a 2 pound gain, but I know from experience that both of those days were extreme outliers. (Goes without saying: same time of day, state of undress, scale location.) I weigh every day and calculate a rolling average, which showed a 1.0 pound loss over that same period.

    Weighing every day makes some people crazy, but it works for me.

    I actually do this too :) It helps me I think because it gives me some hope when I see those lower numbers. It seems to take about a week for a loss to "stick." I guess I'm just stuck in a rut and letting it get the best of me.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member

    Yes I am logging everything I eat. In the morning when I get up I always have a protein drink made with water not milk. It is 150 cal, breakfast is a Weight Watchers english muffin sandwhich that is 210 cal. Lunch I always bring either homemade vegetable soup (that is measured out) or a frozen meal like Lean Cuisine or Healthy choice that has the calorie amount on it. I eat a protein bar that is 200 cal, etc. There is really very little room for error in my calculations of what I'm eating. I don't take a bite of anything without logging it. If I even eat one cracker out of my son's package of cheese/pb crackers I log that one cracker for example.

    Not trying to be argumentative - but what you've listed out is already somewhere in the neighborhood of 800-900 calories...and you haven't even mentioned dinner. Unless you're also eating an extremely light dinner, you're eating more than 1200 calories a day.

    You certainly don't have to prove anything to me/us. Just be sure you're being honest with yourself about what you really ARE eating...and believe me it's something we all struggle with sometimes!
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member

    You don't have to use the MFP "rules" if it's not working for you. When I started I used the guided "recommended". I work a desk job as well but I also work out every day for about 30-60 mins and I wanted to lose weight quick so MFP set my calorie goal at 1200. That did not work for me as I was hungry most of the time. After figuring out my TDEE and what worked for me I started customizing my goals.

    I'm 5'7" at 173 lbs. (I started at 195) and my calorie goal is 1600 I only eat my exercise calories back if I'm hungry. Per Scoobys workshop site ( my BMR is 1564 so I'm technically eating a little over my goal but I'm still losing weight. You have to find what works for you because everyone is different.

    Now with all that being said, you've lost nine pounds that is really something! You should be proud of your accomplishment and don't get discouraged because it may not be happening as quickly as you would like it. You didn't put the weight on overnight or in a week so it's not going to come off overnight or in a week. It's going to take time and dedication

    Thank you, I am new to MFP I forgot you can put in customized goals. I will take a look at that and try basing it off of scoobyworkshop guidelines for a week or two and see what happens.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member

    Not trying to be argumentative - but what you've listed out is already somewhere in the neighborhood of 800-900 calories...and you haven't even mentioned dinner. Unless you're also eating an extremely light dinner, you're eating more than 1200 calories a day.

    You certainly don't have to prove anything to me/us. Just be sure you're being honest with yourself about what you really ARE eating...and believe me it's something we all struggle with sometimes!

    I don't think you're being argumentative, I asked for help and I appreciate the Advice. As an example yesterday B: Protein drink 150 cal, WW sandwich 210 cal. Snack String cheese 50 cal, Advocare spark 45 cal. Lunch Lean Cuisine Fiesta grilled chicken 260 cal. Snack Protein bar 200 cal. Dinner Cottage Cheese 90 cal and Broccoli,rice,chicken banquet meal 190 cal. Snack Special K cereal bar 90 cal. Total for the 1285 and supposedly earned 171 cals from exercise. I don't get home from work until 730-8pm so I don't like to eat heavy for dinner.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Also anyone who would like to add me as a friend I'd love it. Right now I am only friends on here with a couple of coworkers. Thanks for everyone's input I really appreciate it!
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    So you have lost 9 pounds in 7 weeks - that is more than a pound a week, guess I am not sure what the issue is?
  • gidget_05
    gidget_05 Posts: 21 Member
    I am with you on this. I just started yesterday on this site. I am trying a low carb diet. Yesterday I counted calories but I don't eat that many calories a day therefore so confused. Nine pounds in two mos is good ( be proud of that) I wish you the best of luck.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Nine pounds in 2 months and you're complaining?! :huh: :grumble: I think all you really need is some realistic expectations.
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    Looking at your one day list out of all your foods, you are eating a lot of prepackaged items. How is your sodium intake? That can impact your daily weight fluctuations. However, 9 lbs in that time frame is a terrific loss, just be patient, it will come.

    I am in IN also, feel free to friend me, I don't comment a lot, but will be there to help!
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    So you have lost 9 pounds in 7 weeks - that is more than a pound a week, guess I am not sure what the issue is?

    It's been 8 weeks not 7 but at any rate the issue is that I expected to lose 2lbs/week and I simply wanted to know if I might be doing something wrong or if others had ideas that may help me.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    I'm confused on what amount of calories I should eat to optimize weight loss. I am 5"3" and currently 194. I have a desk job so I sit all day but I exercise every day for 30 min minimum but normally 45min, sometimes longer on the weekends. MFP has my calorie goal at 1200 and I am always very close to that. I'm not losing much weight. I started watching my food and exercising July 1 at 203lbs so I've only lost 9lbs in almost two months which seems slow to me. I saw that someone on another thread posted a link to scooby's calorie counter and it tells me I should be eating around 1500. How do I figure out what amount is correct? I definitely have a calorie deficit so why am I not losing?

    I guess one other thing I don't really understand is that they say if you don't eat enough calories you'll go into "starvation mode" and it will make your metabolism worse. How is a person supposed to know what their body considers starvation? Any help/advise is appreciated. I'm trying very hard but feeling discouraged. Also I have not had any pop in over 3 weeks and drink 120+ oz of water per day. Thanks in advance!

    I think part of the problem is you're being too restrictive and eating below your BMR (what your body would need to function if you were in a coma) using your stats, your BMR is around 1635. Your TDEE is around 2241 (which is actually from scooby, so I don't know how your got numbers so low; lightly active setting).

    So if you eat 1635, you're creating a deficit of 606 calories a day, which equals out to about 1.5lbs of weight loss per week.

    Eat more food, you'll feel better. I eat around 1620 a day (which is my BMR) and have a 500 or so calorie deficit, I easily lose more than an lb a week. I've lost 70 or so thus far. There's no reason to restrict as much as you are and in the long run you'll lose more lean muscle mass eating at 1200 than you would if you were eating your BMR which will make your body composition better at the end of your weight loss.

    Be sure to recalculate these numbers for every 5lbs lost.

    This is why I am confused. I'm not trying to be restrictive I'm doing what MFP says to do. I don't understand why it would tell me to eat 1200/day if that is too low...and at the same time if it is extremely low then why am I not losing? I can increase my calories but it will drive me crazy for MFP to show I'm over my calorie goal every day! I know that sounds anal but I'm a little ocd I guess and trying to follow the "rules" account to MFP but I want to lose this weight also.

    Update your goals to reflect the calories and macros as recommended by the scooby site. Then it won't tell you that you're overeating.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Nine pounds in 2 months and you're complaining?! :huh: :grumble: I think all you really need is some realistic expectations.

    I'm not complaining I am asking for help and suggestions. I thought if MFP gave 2lbs/week loss as an option that it was a realistic expectation. Perhaps it's not.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member

    Update your goals to reflect the calories and macros as recommended by the scooby site. Then it won't tell you that you're overeating.

    Thank you I am going to try that. I'm just unsure/afraid of bumping it too high...I drive myself nuts! I'm doing my best I just need some patience it's not my best virtue.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Am I the only one who automatically thought, "like Muscle confusion" when I read the title? Confuse your body with different types of calories!
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Am I the only one who automatically thought, "like Muscle confusion" when I read the title? Confuse your body with different types of calories!

    Can you explain? Does this just mean eating different types of food from what I normally eat? Any specific suggestions? I'll admit I'm not much of a cook. My husband drives a truck so it's just me and our 2yr old. I mostly eat packaged meals because the portion control is taken care of for me, I know the exact calories, I don't have to cook and it's convenient. I do generally steam broccoli every week to eat on the side as well as tomatoes.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member

    Not trying to be argumentative - but what you've listed out is already somewhere in the neighborhood of 800-900 calories...and you haven't even mentioned dinner. Unless you're also eating an extremely light dinner, you're eating more than 1200 calories a day.

    You certainly don't have to prove anything to me/us. Just be sure you're being honest with yourself about what you really ARE eating...and believe me it's something we all struggle with sometimes!
    I don't think you're being argumentative, I asked for help and I appreciate the Advice. As an example yesterday B: Protein drink 150 cal, WW sandwich 210 cal. Snack String cheese 50 cal, Advocare spark 45 cal. Lunch Lean Cuisine Fiesta grilled chicken 260 cal. Snack Protein bar 200 cal. Dinner Cottage Cheese 90 cal and Broccoli,rice,chicken banquet meal 190 cal. Snack Special K cereal bar 90 cal. Total for the 1285 and supposedly earned 171 cals from exercise. I don't get home from work until 730-8pm so I don't like to eat heavy for dinner.
    What's your average sodium intake? Some people are just more sensitive to sodium than others, and that's a lot of packaged food. If your sodium intake is high AND you're one of those people who is more sensitive to sodium, you could be retaining water, which would mask your weight loss.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member

    What's your average sodium intake? Some people are just more sensitive to sodium than others, and that's a lot of packaged food. If your sodium intake is high AND you're one of those people who is more sensitive to sodium, you could be retaining water, which would mask your weight loss.

    I'm pretty sure it has been within whatever limits MFP suggests but I will take a look at that. I try to get meals that do not have a ton of sodium but I know some of those can run high on sodium. Thank you for the suggestion, I may be more sensitive than I thought. I actually told my husband last night that I knew I was holding some water weight because I weighed myself on my wii fit before my workout and then again after I was done and I was almost 3lbs lighter. A person can't lose 3lbs of fat in 45 minutes of exercise so clearly it was water. That made me feel a bit better.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Nine pounds in 2 months and you're complaining?! :huh: :grumble: I think all you really need is some realistic expectations.

    I'm not complaining I am asking for help and suggestions. I thought if MFP gave 2lbs/week loss as an option that it was a realistic expectation. Perhaps it's not.
    2 lbs/week IS a realistic option and you don't sound like you're complaining. If you're aiming for 2 lbs/week and not achieving it means either you don't burn as much as you think, you eat more than you think, both, or you have water weight issues making the scale a poor judge. Most of us are affected by at least two of those three.

    Even your packaged foods can vary from their stated calories by some significant percentage. You log beverage calories, right?