Please help with my Polar FT7!

It arrived in the post today and I was so excited to use it for my workout, I put it on prior to working out for a bit to get used to it. The problem is the heart rate transmitter. Sometimes when My heart rate os detected it works fine for a minute then a message appears on the watch to check heart rate transmitter. I have adjusted it to male sure it is in the right place(just below my bra strap) and also wet the two electrode parts.
I started my workout and after 4 calories it did the same again, I didn't do anything to it at this point i took it off so i could finish my workout. Why does it keep doing this? What am I doing wrong?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Hm... I have an FT4 but I think the set-up is similar. Sometimes after I clean the strap and it's well dried, I have to wet the strap/electrodes REALLY well for it to work right the first couple times. I actually rub the water into those spots on the strap to make sure the moisture gets in where it needs to.

    Also make sure the strap is snug. Sometimes mine gets loose and doesn't work quite right. Getting super sweaty during my workout occassionally causes issues too.

    The other possibility is that you may need to have the batteries changed in the transmitter. You wouldn't think that'd be necessary on a new model but they could be cheapies.
  • Redribbon73
    Redribbon73 Posts: 117 Member
    I tried it out again just been for a walk and same thing happened again on and off with connection. Boo hoo hoo