Diet and Exercise - Made up words

mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
Based on a silly response I wrote to a post about the definition of Jogging - I have a new game. Its very simple, you just make up one or more words which you feel fit a gap in the diet and exercise vocabulary.

.... My previous post
If there was a definition - which there isn't - I would say Jogging is a subset of running. Jogging would be running at a constant, low level effort.

Alternate words for Jogging would include: Recover Run, Social Run, Run at the speed of chat, 50%-60% effort

Your entire work out could be a jog, or you could jog as a warm up or between high intensity efforts during interval training.

Joggernaut is a word I just made up for a jogger who knocks over everything and everyone in their path

Joga is another word I made up to describe the meditative state which can be achieved whilst distance running

Jogurt is a misspelling of Yogurt.
