What are your favorite weight loss tools

I have been thinking about this a lot lately and thought it would be nice for everyone to share what has helped them with being successful.

Mine are as follow

1. MFP
I love this site. it helps so much with counting calories and all of the support!
2. My Iphone and all of the great apps that it has to offer.
Not only the MFP app, but also the 100 push up challange app, fitness pro, self workouts, allrecipies, and target weight!

3. My Heart Rate Monitor
I was lucky enough to fine one brand new at Goodwill. So I didn't get to pick it out but for $15 it is a really great tool.
4. My perfect Portions food scale
An early Christmas gift. very handy and high tech!
5. My Cuisinart Rice Cooker/Steamer
Great for cooking rice and veggies! Use it all of the time. Leave and go shuts down to warm when the rice is done cooking and steams veggies as its cooking the rice!

Now this one is an oldie but a goodie I just brought back out.
6. The George Foreman Grill
I remember my mom using one when I was much younger and my boyfriend had one when we moved in together. I pulled it out the other night to cook chicken and have used it ever night since!

Now you share your favorite tools that you use on a day to day basic. This way maybe we can find some new tools to use as well..


  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    I love the MFP iPhone app - I have never been more accountable to myself ever. I would love to buy a portion scale.

    So many people here rave about HRMs - are they really that useful?
  • marsbar_0789
    bump for all the great answers i'm sure there will be
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    My scale and measuring cups.....I try to NEVER just "eyeball it" on dinner portions or snack out the box anymore.

    My heartrate monitor....now I know how many calories I burned and how hard I have to work to get to my target heart rate

    My sigg water bottle....helps me get my daily water in!

    Crystal Light.....especially the "hunger satisfaction" flavor, really fills me up

    My iPod armband....keeps the tunes going when I'm doing strength training at the gym

    The towl service at the gym. Getting handed a fresh towel when I check in feels like a country-club luxury, I love it!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    My HRM will always be my first love!

    Then would be the use of tickers!

  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    kettlebell, resistance bands, pilates for dummies, stationary bike, hmr, body composition meter, nokia 5230 and opera browser
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Yes they are useful. I am very happy with mine and I use it all the time!