Hello all!!!!!

hello all!! I have been battling these dran 20 lbs forever I get on a diet wagon lose about ten then give up and this has been going on for 2 years now. i keep looking at pictures of myself and feel groos,, now i know its only 20lbs but every women knows what 20lbs can do, and i would like to stop it before it goes up to 30 - 40! i would really like support,, people that will give me a good kick in the butt when i fall off the wagon,, i am determin this time,, I really am looking forward to cuba next march and i really want to gpo shopping and feel happy when i leave not depressed!!!! all freinds welcome,, but i need stern support i find its the best when it comes to kicking fat *kitten*!!!!!


  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome. Look around at some of the challenges people have started on here, I think it helps keep you motivated when you have goals to stick too.