alcohol and your weight loss?

I was thinking how many mfp members regularly consume alcohol, what sort and what effect it has in your losses.
I drink keeping within my calorie/exercise earned.
I've only just started this so have lots of things going around my head. I did follow ww but struggled.
Thanks in advance of any replies.????


  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I was thinking how many mfp members regularly consume alcohol, what sort and what effect it has in your losses.
    I drink keeping within my calorie/exercise earned.
    I've only just started this so have lots of things going around my head. I did follow ww but struggled.
    Thanks in advance of any replies.????

    I have a tablespoon of St. Brendan's in my coffee a few times in the winter ( come to think of it, haven't done that since Christmas 2013), and I have a frozen margarita about once a year. In addition to that, I had a splash of rum in my coffee once earler this spring. Hasn't slowed my weight loss down at all.
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    I still drink when I want to weather Im within my calories or not. I have worked hard to get where I am now so if I want to splurge and have 3 redbull vodkas I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna log it! I do try and workout a little more if I know Im going to be drinking just so I can have a few extra calories back. :drinker:
  • torid10
    torid10 Posts: 37 Member
    honestly, since i just graduated college there is no way i could tell you how many drinks i drank one night compared to the other. yes, it does slow down the weight loss quite a bit. but i found that as long as i worked out the day i drink, i can at least prevent myself from gaining. If i know i will be drinking quite a bit on the weekend, I try to have an especially good week to prevent gain.
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    I have a glass of wine or... four most Fridays and it hasn't held me back as far as weight loss. I do plan ahead for it and log though, if it meant going way over for the day I'd skip it that week. Honest logging is key, there's no reason to completely cut it out if its just a question of weight loss and no other health issues.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'll still have a few beers now and again. Hasn't really messed with me as far as loss is considered. I make room for it, log it, and roll on.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I drank away 75 pounds in 18 months (I am up a little right now due to a surgery 4 days ago and the associated swelling/saline solution IVs, etc.)...I just watched my total calorie intake, including the booze.

    Of course, I lost weight faster when I did not imbibe in adult beverages...but how boring is that???
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I drink...not everyday and not every weekend but I drink when I want and how much I want...

    It didn't slow my weight loss down really...I stayed in goal.

  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Today is 17 days without a drink. I usually drink on the weekends (beer and vodka sodas) Although I am doubtful that I can put down booze all together cold turkey, but I am going to try and consume less, and drink less often.

    I have stuck to my work out and diet for (today is day 28) and I have lost 10.5 pounds since my Saturday morning weigh in. I am sure since I have stopped drinking alcohol for the past 2.5 weeks that this has contributed a little bit to my weight loss. not only is alcohol empty calories, I make horrible eating decisions when I drink (eating pizza at 1 am, or eating a bunch of chips) For the most part I can control food decisions if I have a few beers, but if I am drunk I will eat whatever.

    Frankly, I am sure alcohol is most likely the main contributor to my weight today, wether it be the alcohol its self, or the decisions I have made that come a long with it.

    I am really going to try as hard as I can to refrain from drinking, or take 2 weeks off after the last time I drink. It is Labor day weekend so I am most likely to have some drinks. I just need to have better control.
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    I find that alcohol screws with my water weight more than anything. Frankly, I do better having one drink a day than I do if I don't drink and then have two or three one day.

    As far as what I drink, mostly Jack Daniel's but I'm not adverse to beer, wine or other hard liquor as the occasion calls for it. :D
  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    I pretty much drink when I want and I have not noticed any difference. For example I went on vacation for a week recently - I had at least 4 martinis a day - plus some champagne here and there. After a week I was back to my pre-cruise weight. I also ate every desert in sight.

    For the most part I have a few drinks a week - mostly on Friday and Sat night. At this point I dont log them because I have never noticed it making a difference. It very well may - so I am not suggesting it doesnt. I am just saying for myself I have not seen it. But then again I am not a huge drinker and when I do it tends to be Vodka or Bourbon. Not much of a beer drinker - so maybe that has something to do with it.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Drink all you want if you are willing to eat less to maintain your net calorie goal. Just remember that alcohol lowers inhibitions like self-control in the kitchen.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    IMHO, 2 things are key:
    1) Moderation - binge drinking adds WAY too many calories, but moderate drinking (2 - 3) at a time can be factored into your daily calorie limit.
    2) The effect alcohol has on your appetite - it kills mine, so I don't eat when I have a drink or two, but if it causes you to eat everything in sight, then that is trouble.
    As with everything else, it depends on each person and how it affects you.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    Ever since more than one MFPer opened my eyes to my binge drinking, I've made efforts to curb it. Good news is I drink less often. When I do drink though, I drink beer and it stalls my loss - even when I account for it. Who knows what I'm doing wrong, but CICO just doesn't work out for me where beer is concerned. Probably cause I drink a lot of it when I do drink. ;)
  • jvicenty76
    jvicenty76 Posts: 6 Member
    I also try to keep it within my calorie goals as well, and it's not that hard since I also drink on a Friday or Saturday night.
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I still drink, just in moderation.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    It's all about moderation; I probably have a drink every few weeks, but I never was a big drinker.
    When I do something like camping, where I do drink a fair bit, I'll plan to eat maitenance for the weekend so that it'll fit in my calories but won't cause weight gain. I'm certainly not going to give up food in favour of booze haha
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I was thinking how many mfp members regularly consume alcohol, what sort and what effect it has in your losses.
    I drink keeping within my calorie/exercise earned.
    I've only just started this so have lots of things going around my head. I did follow ww but struggled.
    Thanks in advance of any replies.????

    I drank pretty much nightly during my loss and so long as I was staying in my calories it wasn't a big deal. I've had no issue maintaining with regular alcohol consumption either. I find where it effects me most is when I try to get below about 18% BF...for whatever reason I can't drop below that with frequent alcohol consumption even if I'm hitting my calorie goals...but if I cut out the alcohol during the week, I cut below 18% pretty easily.
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    I have had the odd glass of wine at home with dinner whilst using MFP but whereas before I would have had a large glass and probably had another one later on, I've been sticking to one, measured glass. I also had a couple of single gin and slimlines which fit OK into my calorie budget.

    Nights out are another matter. One night I went round to a friend's house and had 2 double gin and tonics (not slimline!) and 1 single (I was measuring that one and more conscious of calories!). I logged it for the following day and ate less and exercised to fit it into my calorie goal, but I couldn't do that if I had a busy day ahead. Last weekend I drank well over 1,000 calories and felt rubbish. I felt too ill to eat much the following day so overall it didn't add that many calories to my week, but I don't think that makes it OK.

    I've set myself a challenge to go 2 weeks (maybe more, I'll see when the time is up) without alcohol and am currently 4 days in!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I don't drink much, but I DO drink. I log it (ha - THEM) and move on. And my weightloss hasn't slowed due to my imbibing. :)