On The Other Side of Treatment: Finding Motivation

Hi Everyone,

I am 24 years old, 5'4", and I weigh 160 pounds.

I've been struggling with an eating disorder since I was 14. I went to treatment 4 years ago and I would like to think that I am much more healthy mentally than I used to be, but I still struggle every day. Since starting my new job in January (I work in Culinary, I'd prefer not to get into the specifics) I have gained 15 pounds. That is 15 pounds in 8 months. I feel like that's a lot of weight to gain in a relatively short amount of time. It is especially crucial because, according to my BMI, I am now 15 pounds overweight. I have never been over a healthy BMI before.

Anyway, the trouble that I am having is motivation. I am so miserable about my weight and still I continue to eat in ways that will just make it worse! I feel like I am digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole, but for some reason I can't stop. I used to be able to get so excited about my new diets or workout plans, but now I just find them depressing and just thinking about them feels exhausting. Maybe it's because I've been struggling with my weight for such a long time that I'm fed up with having to think about it.

Did anyone else start out this way? I could really use some advice on real ways to motivate that will stick.

Thanks in advance!


  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Take the emotion out of it - log everything and exercise. Calories in - calories out. If you can make it a visual project in the tool and not an emotional drain you will succeed. You HAVE to exercise and build some muscle on your frame - it will go a long way in maintaining a healthy weight when you get there. Keep your head up and get everything logged!
  • Eemie89
    Eemie89 Posts: 4
    Thanks, rachelg145. That's good advice. I think I let the numbers and the scale discourage me. If I make it like a game where I'm just trying to keep my calories under what I've burned, I may be able to motivate.

    I'll give it a try, but I'm always open to other suggestions! I feel like I've tried everything and nothing has ever stuck.
  • marc_santos83

    First that is great that you are putting yourself out there. And what I am about to say may be counter-intuitive, but I would not suggest that you log anything or weigh yourself, at least not often.

    I am sure you have to deal with a lot especially having to struggle with an eating disorder. But tracking and obsessing over numbers may not be your best move. It does not mean that it is off the table, it just means that it may not be the right time just yet.

    I would suggest the following things.

    Work with a coach. If you can find someone to help you talk through some of the emotions you are feeling, and your relationship to food, and yourself that would be a really good option to start.

    Take the focus off of you. I would say to get out and give back in some way that speaks to you. Such as volunteer your time and/or expertise to people that you can really help.

    Keep a journal and record your feelings at random times during the day. Take note of the times when you are truly happy, at peace, and when you are not. Once you have some information try to recreate the instances when you are happy or at peace more often. Be detailed. Who were you with, what were you doing, etc.

    I would like to provide you with a resource to check out. These people specialize in working with figure competitors that develop eating disorders as a result.


    Please add me if you are in need of support or have any further questions.

    Good Luck to You!

    Marc Santos
    "Happiness must be cultivated, not pursued.)