Eating protein bars when not working out

I eat and enjoy eating protein bars because I can get them cheap, they are filling, convenient for a quick breakfast/snack, and are very delicious to me. They satisfy cravings for anything sweet.

But my main concern is how the amount of protein I'm consuming from them affects my body when I'm not working out whatsoever yet.

I eat PowerBars, Clif bars, Luna bars, and six star Protein.
Some have as much as 20g of protein in one bar.

What are your thoughts on eating these "workout bars" when I am not even working out?


  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    What makes protein from a protein bar any different than protein you get from any other food source?
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    They're just fine. Any excess protein you eat just gets converted to energy, so you're not doing any harm at all.

    Munch away!
  • Ristia_Amore
    Ristia_Amore Posts: 15 Member
    What makes protein from a protein bar any different than protein you get from any other food source?

    Exactly. Food is food. As long as it's healthy, and not super processed, why worry? Just don't eat so much that the majority of your intake is protein (unless advised by your doctor).
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    I think they're fine, but don't rely on em as a substitute for your diet. Still need to eat that chicken/fish/eggs/beans
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    They're fine if you're not working out, your body needs to repair itself all the time... so it's necessary to get protein. But I think there are better ways like meat and pulses.

    From the ones I've tried, I didn't like the taste. So I looked up protein bar recipes, some are quite good!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Some have as much as 20g of protein in one bar.

    4 oz of grilled chicken breast has like 36 grams....and an average chicken breast is a good 8-10 ounces.

    Also, what is your overall intake...people drown in this kind of meal to meal minutia and really need to take a step back and look at their diet as a whole to keep things in perspective.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I do that now and then when I'm in a rush and need a fast, reasonably healthy snack. Nothing wrong with them at all.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    These bars typically have far more carbs than protein, so I'd be more concerned with that. Also the protein is usually soy based, and many bars contain sugar alcohols which for most people do not jive with long-term digestive harmony.