Protein shake diet work?

I recently had two babies back to back, they will be turning one and two next month.... So its been a year. So no excuse right? Well I was put on birth control, which messed me up more... And recently was told I had a thyroid problem. So obviously my hormones play a big role in my weight problem. I've dieted... My weight has been changing up and down up and down... Now I've gained 10lbs. I also was exercising. So now... I'm fed up and want to know more about these protein shake diets? My goal weight loss is 50lbs. I am now 185... So that would make me a healthy 135lb at 5"5. How do you start them off? Do you gradually add on a shake a week? Or just take one in the morning and night, and for lunch eat a salad? How does this work? I'm determined, and I read this diet is not good for people that aren't devoted. Because, I am about this close to just start eating salads... And that won't be good lol... Just because I'm not sure how much meat is good and what foods are good or this or that... I just want a simple diet to follow. So any success stories on these protein shake diets? Please let me know the exact time you drank one, exact time you ate meals, etc. Thank you!


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Stick to a calorie deficit eating real foods.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Stick to a calorie deficit eating real foods.

  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    protein and meal replacement shakes work only as they keep you on a restricted diet calorie-wise. you can do the same yourself. me, like a lot of people here i'm losing weight eating normal food - eggs, hash browns, potato chips, corn chips, yogurt, potatoes, cereal, broccoli and oatmeal - i just make sure that i measure my servings to get the right amount of calories, protein and carbs. if you really wanted to, you could eat stuff like lean cuisine and weight watchers dinners - they're also restricted calorie-wise and require less figuring out.

    btw, a salad has no food value. you can eat real food that's good for you instead, and won't be any higher calories than a helping of salad dressing. 3 servings of egg beaters plus 1 ounce of potato chips and some broccoli or asparagus won't have any more calories, but they will be a lot better for your health and more satisfying.
  • josette06
    josette06 Posts: 119 Member
    Never go on a fad diet that you will never be able to do for the rest of your life. Yes, they'll get you to 135, but as soon as you return to your food, you will gain it all right back. I, too, was on a medication that caused increased weight gain, I went from 126-178 in a matter of a year. I was taken off the medication in March, but was getting frustrated that I could not lose the weight. I calculated my TDEE (helpful sources here on these forums) and measured out all of my servings via a digital scale (best purchase you can get yourself). I was so surprised by what I was finding out by actually weighing my food. Many times when a package says "about 10 chips" it's really only 6-8 to get to that weight on the digital scale? So, I was OVEREATING without even knowing it. Needless to say I am now down to 160, and only started doing this in June.

    Good luck, you can do it without depriving yourself. :)
  • jenniferwhite9019
    But its so hard counting calories... And what has protein and what has carbs. Its so confusing. So for breakfast... I eat an egg... And lunch I eat a salad, and dinner I eat a piece of chicken? I need something that is going to fill my stomach. For example today I ate no breakfast, two pieces of pizza for lunch, and for dinner a large salad and a bagel. I had a soda and two tiny pieces of chocolate. That's nothing... I'm still hungry. So pretty much I really only ate four things. And I still went over my goal calorie intake. I need help lol.
  • mrastaffordML
    I love my protein shakes. However I drink them for my body to recover from my work outs and to gain muscle since I lift weights. I dont use them as a supplemental meal.

    I'd stay away from any lose weight fast "diets" and just practice portion control and eating in moderation. You can't go wrong with eating more protein, less bad for you carbs and more veggies and fruit.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I get my protein from food first but if I'm going to be short on my daily protein I will have a protein shake.
  • jenniferwhite9019
    I'm sure I will keep going with the protein shakes, if I gt to 135... I'd love to be my beginning weight, which was 120 before my kids. Is there different kinds of powders? Like some for building muscle, some for strict weight loss etc.?
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    I've a bad thyroid am on Armor Thyroid 90mg. like you I go up and down losing and gain the same 3 to 4 pounds. My Tsh is normal but my t4 free thyroxin is very low and my t3 is also normal my doc doesn't think it is such a struggle. I first lost about 5 pounds now up and down. When you figure out how to fix the meds. you will probably lose the weight ever so slowly. Good dieting too you... wish I could help. Been there done that!!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    But its so hard counting calories... And what has protein and what has carbs. Its so confusing. So for breakfast... I eat an egg... And lunch I eat a salad, and dinner I eat a piece of chicken? I need something that is going to fill my stomach. For example today I ate no breakfast, two pieces of pizza for lunch, and for dinner a large salad and a bagel. I had a soda and two tiny pieces of chocolate. That's nothing... I'm still hungry. So pretty much I really only ate four things. And I still went over my goal calorie intake. I need help lol.

    There are plenty of resources for food nutrition info. No lie it takes work but anything does. True you ate 4 things but what I see are lots of carbs (which aren't filling), salad (also not filling).

    I try to get in 130 gr. of protein a day & I try to split that between the 3 meals. Breakfast will be 1-2 eggs, egg whites, veggies & diced ham (or bacon etc). That keeps me full until lunch & then I'll have some other foods with protein (salad with grilled chicken, hard boiled egg etc) I'm full until dinner & then I'll get in the rest of my protein. I do have carbs but I don't have them at all meals. If I'm having pasta for dinner then I'll skip toast with my eggs or I'll have the pasta but not the bread. It's all moderation.
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    When the Doc changed my meds I gained 30 pounds in almost 3 months. I am sure you need to check you meds and Thyroid levels. It is a losing battle till it is working. You cannot give up you must continue to try to lose and watch your weight for your health.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    where do people get this salad/starvation idea about losing weight? it's neither healthy nor sustainable.

    for dinner i just had a scramble with 3 egg beaters, hash browns, orange bell peppers and parmesan cheese. i have sandwiches, cereal and milk, and oats are one of my favorites, made with non-fat milk, cinnamon and stevia (yum!).

    btw, if you're hungry - actually hungry, not just wanting to eat - after 2 slices of pizza, i suggest you get your doctor to do some blood work.
    But its so hard counting calories... And what has protein and what has carbs. Its so confusing. So for breakfast... I eat an egg... And lunch I eat a salad, and dinner I eat a piece of chicken? I need something that is going to fill my stomach. For example today I ate no breakfast, two pieces of pizza for lunch, and for dinner a large salad and a bagel. I had a soda and two tiny pieces of chocolate. That's nothing... I'm still hungry. So pretty much I really only ate four things. And I still went over my goal calorie intake. I need help lol.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I know a girl who says all I had for breakfast is a glass of water, frozen meal for lunch etc & says she can't lose weight. I want to ask her "can you drive your car without gas?" How can you fuel your body with no food?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    where do people get this salad/starvation idea about losing weight? it's neither healthy nor sustainable.

    for dinner i just had a scramble with 3 egg beaters, hash browns, orange bell peppers and parmesan cheese. i have sandwiches, cereal and milk, and oats are one of my favorites, made with non-fat milk, cinnamon and stevia (yum!).

    btw, if you're hungry - actually hungry, not just wanting to eat - after 2 slices of pizza, i suggest you get your doctor to do some blood work.

    ^^ This.

    Now I like salad, actually I really like salad lol But there's chicken, eggs and other yummy stuff mixed in with it. Hell I'm sitting here at lunch eating a big bowl of leftover beef stirfry noodles (homemade, 450-ish cal and insanely good). I am a small person (well under 5ft) and have a lower TDEE even at a very active level, and am definitely not starving.

    Add more lean meat, nuts, eggs and slow down on the heavy processed carbs, they'll just make you more hungry. Steamed vegies are brilliant, more filling than just a salad and you can buy them pre-packed and portioned to cook in the microwave.

    As for counting calories, there are heaps of recipe books and online resources that will provide nutritional information for good, delicious food that you can make yourself.

    Just eat real food.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    This website/app has all the info you need to work out an appropriate diet. Do some research.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Protein shakes are to help repair your muscles, they are not food. If you are hungry, EAT real food!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    A couple of years ago I did one of the shake weight loss programs. I lost 18 pounds, then life got busy and I couldn't afford it anymore. I gained all 18 back, plus 25 more. Just eat at a deficit, it works, and it way tastier, easier and cheaper.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    There's a lot of talk about macros and such but I only concern myself with eating protein at every meal (Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, beans, cheese) and fruit and veggies. I like to add celery, cukes, and radishes daily to fill up. I try to stay away from processed carbs (the bagel AND pizza would be to many processed carbs in one day for me). Think eating healthy and you will be fine.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    But its so hard counting calories... And what has protein and what has carbs. Its so confusing. So for breakfast... I eat an egg... And lunch I eat a salad, and dinner I eat a piece of chicken? I need something that is going to fill my stomach. For example today I ate no breakfast, two pieces of pizza for lunch, and for dinner a large salad and a bagel. I had a soda and two tiny pieces of chocolate. That's nothing... I'm still hungry. So pretty much I really only ate four things. And I still went over my goal calorie intake. I need help lol.

    Well, if this is hard, it's time to get educated. Lots of things are hard. The Internet (and the library) are full of books and articles on nutrition. And MFP makes counting calories very easy. I remember doing it in the old days with a big paperback calorie counting book and a piece of paper. And if I ate what you ate today, I would be starving. Ditch the soda and the bagel for starters. Here's what I've had today: baked apple with granola, a banana, a cup of steamed broccoli, a cup of homemade chicken pesto pasta with walnuts, a yogurt cup, two homemade tacos made with ground turkey, salsa, lettuce, and shredded cheddar. I still have room for air-popped popcorn, a cup of grapes, and a small square of dark chocolate.

    You are looking for food that has a lot of volume and tons of nutrients. Keep your protein and fat high enough to sustain you. Avoid foods that make you hungry nearly immediately. Bagels do that to me. By the way, what is your calorie level? Maybe you have it set too low.
  • christinalong1991
    christinalong1991 Posts: 74 Member
    I didn't know anything about counting calories when I started either. Start logging your foods, make healthy choices, and you learn. I can pretty accurately estimate how many calories are in a meal/snack, can eyeball weights and measurements fairly accurately as well, because I put in the time and effort. Drinking protein shakes won't help you lose weight, in fact they can help you gain weight if you don't know what you are doing with them (which it sounds like you don't. ) No offense, just protein calories add up quickly with shakes, specially after adding milk and fruits/veggies, which is what I usually do to get all my nutrients, not just protein if I make it a meal. Trust the people who have been at this a long time and have had success, they all know what they are talking about.

    You can eat plenty of food, for one thing I bet your calorie goal is too low, what you listed for the day shouldn't be over your calories already. For another thing, if you eat healthier foods, you get significantly more calories!! For breakfast, I had a burrito with eggs, cheese, bacon, and soy chorizo. I had a protein shake (as a snack after a workout). I had a turkey and ham sandwich for lunch with yogurt. Had 2 dinners because I was actually short on my calories! Add in some fruits throughout the day, and I am actually 100 calories under my goal still for today. And According to my totals, I would still lose 10 lbs in five weeks if I were to do this everyday. fueling your body helps lose weight, not starving it with salads and one macronutrient only.

    Take the time, learn the basics. Use the app, log foods, prelog foods for the day even so you can see where your at and adjust meals in order to fit everything. Some people need bfast, some don't, figure out what kind of person you are. For me, a good hearty breakfast does help me do better the rest of the day, I binge otherwise. For others, skipping bfast allows them more calories for their other meals and they are happier with this. Choose foods more nutritious and filling than pizza and I assure you you will eat your fill. Salads for me are not satisfying. Protein shakes can be satisfying, but aren't meant to be a meal and can make you gain weight if your not careful as well.
    Good luck!!