Extreme Fitness Goal

Hi All,

I'm about 25 lbs into my 80 lbs weight loss journey...it's a slow but steady pace. I'm very active. I run three times a week with my weekend run being the longest at a minimum of 10km. I also walk about 12 km the other four days of the week (seriously, having a big dog is almost as good as having a personal trainer). My biggest challenge is food but I'm working on that.

What I'm writing about though is setting a huge fitness goal for yourself and how you mentally prepare for it. Today I booked a trip to Peru for this spring to hike Machu Picchu-- 44 km (27 miles) and 4200 metres (almost 14,000 ft). It is four days of hiking up and two of coming down. Grueling but rewarding.

Now I start training and really focusing on getting some of that weight off--there are a heck of a lot of stairs to climb and minimizing my weight can only be good.

Has anyone else done something like this?? Commit themselves to a huge fitness challenge as motivation? Better yet, has anyone done this trek?

Any tips and motivational strategies would be welcome.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    good luck

    i know a few people who have hiked machu picchu and the main thing that killed those who didnt train properly was the fact that it's so high above sea level.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    The closest I've ever come to that is snowboarding and since I was a wake boarder at the time it was actually a lot of fun. That being said, I'll check out specific training for high altitudes. I'm sure if you prepare you'll do great! :drinker: