Help With Losing



  • flyingwithangels
    You have a BMI of 18.

    You are already underweight.
    You think those concerned about your welfare are trying to make you fat...that is classic ED thinking.
    Seek professional help.

    Anyone advising you on how to lose more weight is, imo, irresponsible.

    No, they are trying to make me fat. I would get help, but I'm not thin enough yet. Thank you though
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Depending on your frame, you're either close to or already underweight. When you're so very skinny, your body doesn't want to let more go, so it will fight you on weight loss as much as it can. Bodies try to keep us healthy. If you keep going, muscle breaks down, including heart gets bad. Your body is trying to avoid all that. It's going to fight to keep you alive and strong.

    If you're that skinny and want to get skinnier, you might consider talking to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. They can help you sort through your feelings about food. I don't think anyone here wants you to get fat. I don't! Down with fat. "Ban big Bums!" :)

    You know how to lose. Now you know why you aren't losing. You make the call. Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    No, they are trying to make me fat. I would get help, but I'm not thin enough yet. Thank you though
    That would give me a BMI of around 17 and I don't think that makes me very underweight. Thank you for your concern though

    These two statements indicate you have disordered thinking around food and weight, but that you are deep in denial. Even your profile photo of the very skinny girl (because there's a logo, I assume that is not you but the YOU you want to be) indicates body dysmorphia. The only place for you to go now is straight for help.