vitamin B complex with Vitamin B-12

Does anyone know if this is beneficial to weight loss. I picked it up from the store to help kind of boost my metabolism. It doesn't seem to do as I expected. Maybe my expectations are too high. The bottom of the bottle says supports energy metabolism...It doesn't do what I expected. Any suggestions..I'm just coming into to starting my journey for major weight loss, and honestly I really want to exercise in my head..I just can't make my body do it..(I'm working on discipline issues too;) If anyone knows of anything that could at least get me moving besides coffee please send suggestions my way!!


  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    What did you expect?

    There's very little evidence that B-12 actually helps with athletic performance or energy metabolism in people who are not B-12 deficient to begin with. A blood test can confirm if you are B-12 deficient.
  • I take B-complex vitamins as I am B12 deficient, and although it does help me get through the day better, I don't expect it to do miracles on metabolism.

    What helps me is a big breakfast that includes protein and fiber (such as tuna sandwich with lots of fresh fruits). One thing that boosts my performance in my workouts is eating an apple half an hour before exercise.

    And I don't drink coffee at all.
  • hermes8712
    hermes8712 Posts: 2 Member
    It's quackery and it will never work. It is marketed as health supplement, and it might help very slightly if you had a genuine deficiency of these vitamins. No fat burner, metabolism boosters work. Only calorie control and exercise do the trick. There are some prescription pills that work, only because they suppress hunger and thus reduce calories. Start calorie control, MFP is a good way to track your cals, and start with exercise even if it is just for 5mins.
    Try going on ketosis, initial adjustment period is difficult took around 3 weeks for me, but once adjusted can give you lots of energy.