Clean eaters/water drinkers

hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I have a question for all of you out there who eat clean most of the time, and drink lots of water each and every day.

I'm guessing weight loss is one of the benefits of these two things, but I'm curious. Have you noticed anything else? I'm wondering about skin, complexion, things like that.

Perhaps hearing success stories will motivate me to try harder in the food department!



  • Watching what I eat in regards to preservatives and sugars, I have noticed I get less headaches, and have more energy than I did before. The thing is that it's more than just NOW results, remember that your body and the earth intended for you to consume natural products. Your body naturally absorbs natural product because it was made to do so.

    I choose to eat clean (for the most part) because it grosses me out to consume things that I can't even pronounce and that are purely man made, or have man made additives in them. Think about the long term damage some of those fake sugars and chemical might do to your body. If your body was meant to consume natural thousands of years ago, why shouldn't it now? :-D You don't have to change everything you eat, nor do you HAVE TO eat clean. Do some reading about both sides of the debate and learn more about it before you make a decision. Treating your body well, no matter how you do it, is totally worth it! It is the only body you will get. Best of luck on your journey! :-D
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I used to eat Extra Strength Tums like they were candy. I'd get heartburn that felt like someone had stabbed a knife into my chest and twisted it around in circles.

    Since I started eating regularly though (5-6 meals a day or every 2-3 hours), and cutting out as much processed food as possible, I haven't had a single instance of over a month.

    Big changes in how and what you put into your body can pay off in numerous ways! :-)
  • I used to eat Extra Strength Tums like they were candy. I'd get heartburn that felt like someone had stabbed a knife into my chest and twisted it around in circles.

    Since I started eating regularly though (5-6 meals a day or every 2-3 hours), and cutting out as much processed food as possible, I haven't had a single instance of over a month.

    Big changes in how and what you put into your body can pay off in numerous ways! :-)
    Excellent Share! Thank you and congrats! :-D
  • dragonpixie
    dragonpixie Posts: 8 Member
    My complexion is 100x better - I have quite fair complexion so when I eat properly, and more particularly, I drink lots of water, I don't get pimples. My skin feels a lot better!
    However, I struggle... :D
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I've always been a relatively clean eater (just binged and generally eaten too much!) but I've found that upping the protein, calcium and exercise has made my hair go from this dead frizzy mass to actually really glossy and healthy looking! As someone with curly hair (which is always a bit problematic..) i NEVER thought I'd have glossy hair!
  • Since eating more cleanly I've noticed the same thing with lack of heartburn/painful trapped wind. Also when I ate a lot of sodium rich foods in the past even those that I thought were healthy I felt very dried out and drained of energy afterwards. Nowadays I'm bouncing off walls it seems which at times can be a little annoying but mostly it's great. The drinking water falls in line with everything above, the sodium rich foods dehydrating you which you could counteract with enough water if you really wanted to. I recently started drinking 2-3+ 750ml bottles of water a day and I feel great and my skin does feel better. I can't tell if it looks better or not but I know I feel more alive and don't feel so drained and dried out all of the time which is a plus. As for the trapped wind I have had that once recently and it was a day I tried using a new bread that was 85% organic or something but the last 20% of the ingredients were preservatives and crap.

    Try eating more cleanly and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel I guarantee it. I live off almonds, eggs, lean meats, spinach, berries, bananas, go lean and go lean crunch and sprouted grain bread and I feel better than I've ever felt. I also get up off my *kitten* a lot more.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm going to give this a try. I have literally no excuse not to eat at least 85% of my daily foods clean. I do notice a huge difference in how I feel if I drink a lot of water each day, so I can just imagine how amazing the clean eating will feel too!

  • If you need help drinking a lot of water, get a 750ml or 1L bottle and fill it 2-2.5x a day and you have your daily water intake. 750ml = 27floz and 1L is 33floz so. Another good way to figure out how much water to drink is the colour of your urine.

    Here's a very helpful link. The easiest indicator of how much water you need to drink.
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